States.txt File Guide (Beta 1.10)

States.txt File Guide (Beta 1.10)

Description: by Joel Falcou

Categories: File Guides (1.10 - 1.14)


THis guide was written from the first 1.10 beta txt file.

It will surely change in contents and/or composition.

state - The state name.

id - The Satte ID, dunno yet if it's extendable.

group - state group. It seems that state of a same group can't be active at the same time (check bear/wolf)

remhit - Unknown (no state are using it)

nosend - Seems to deal with client/server stuff

transform - Does the unit shapeshift in some way ? (boolean)

aura - Does the state works as an aura ? (boolean)

curable - Does the state can be healed in some way ? (boolean)

curse - Does the state works as a curse ? (boolean)

active - Does the state have an active effect (shiver armor for ex.) ? (boolean)

immed - Is the State immediate ?

restrict - ??? (seems to deal with wolf/bear form) ? (boolean)

disguise - Does the state change of gfx (wolf/bear/valkyrie) ? (boolean)

blue - Does it turn the affected unit blue ? (boolean)

attblue - Does the state turns the attack rating display blue ? (boolean)

damblue - Does the state turns the damage display blue ? (boolean)

armblue - Does the state turns the ac display blue ? (boolean)

rfblue - Does the state turns the res-fire display blue ? (boolean)

rlblue - Does the state turns the res-ltng display blue ? (boolean)

rcblue - Does the state turns the res-cold display blue ? (boolean)

stambarblue - Does the state turns the stamina bar blue ? (boolean)

rpblue - Does the state turns the res-pois display blue ? (boolean)

attred - Does the state turns the attack rating display red ? (boolean)

damred - Does the state turns the damage display red ? (boolean)

armred - Does the state turns the ac display red ? (boolean)

rfred - Does the state turns the res-fire display red ? (boolean)

rlred - Does the state turns the res-ltng display red ? (boolean)

rcred - Does the state turns the res-cold display red ? (boolean)

rpred - Does the state turns the res-pois display red ? (boolean)

exp - Deals with conversion skills. If set to 1, the converted unit give you xp. (boolean)

plrstaydeath - Related with corpse ... (boolean)

monstaydeath - Related with corpse ... (boolean)

bossstaydeath - Related with corpse ... (boolean)

hide - ??? Hide the actual gfx of the unit ?? (boolean)

shatter - Does the affected unit shatters on death ? (boolean)

udead - Does the states remove the corpse it targets ? (boolean)

life - Does state affect life ? (boolean)

green - Does the life bubble turn grren ?

pgsv - Is the state effect progressive ? (like burn,poison) (boolean)

nooverlays - ???

noclear - ???

bossinv - ??? (only valkyrye use it) (boolean)

meleeonly - When the state is active it prevent all attack except melee one. (boolean).

notondead - ??? corpse related. (boolean)

overlay1-4 - Overlay id in overlay.txt

pgsvoverlay - Overlay to use when the progreessive effect take place.

castoverlay - Overlay to use on casting.

removerlay - Overlay to use on removing

stat - Stat affected by the state.

setfunc - Function to call when state is activated.

remfunc - Function to call when state is stopped.

missile - Missile to launch on state activation.

skill - Skill to use when State is trigered.

itemtype - Itemtype affected by the state.

itemtrans - Colorshift applied to the itemtypes.

colorpri - Colorshift intensity

colorshift - New color of the unit (think green for poison etc ...)

light-r - State change light red component.

light-g - State change light green component.

light-b - State change light blue component.

onsound - Sounds to play when states starts.

offsound - Sounds to play when states ends.

gfxtype - When states have disguise/transform set to 1, it tells the game whicg gfx to use. 2:player character,1:monster

gfxclass - if gfxtype = 2, it's equal to class ID, if 1 it's equal to monster ID.

cltevent - Event triggering state on client ???

clteventfunc - Function for client.

cltactivefunc - Fonctuion for client wwhen state active.

srvactivefunc - Serveur active function.

eol - Design the end of line.

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