***SPOILER*** V2.21b Cube Recipe Spoiler Information

Information and updates for the Sanctuary in Chaos mod, the Power Item mod, and and any other mods made before Rise of the Old Gods. These mods are no longer being updated or altered.

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***SPOILER*** V2.21b Cube Recipe Spoiler Information

Post by jbouley » Sat Oct 04, 2003 8:16 pm

Cube Recipe Spoilers
By Jeff Bouley (JBouley)

version 2.21b of Sanctuary in Chaos mod.

Note: When a recipe refers to “any gem” being one of the ingredients, that usually will include the use of talismans, glyphs and other socketable items that aren’t runes or jewels. “Perfect” gems, however, refer only to the items that are “upgradeable gems” and to the Pharaoh’s Scarab.

Item Socketing Recipes
(These recipes will NOT grant more sockets than the maximum number of sockets allowed for that item. For example, you cannot give a dagger five sockets or a hand axe six sockets or anything like that)

There are bugs with some of the socketing recipes in versions 2.21a and earlier, some of which allow you put more sockets on set items and perhaps even rares and uniques than should be the case. These have been “fixed” beginning with 2.21b. All recipes for socketing below should be correct for 2.21b and later versions.

Basic Socketing Recipes:
(These six recipes will alter or remove the powers of the item (weapon or armor), if it had magical powers to begin with. This will occur for rare and unique items as well, which will often be converted into magic socketed items, which is why there are special recipes later on to protect the powers of rare and unique items you may wish to socket.)

One to Three Sockets
- Socketer’s Tool + weapon or armor = 1-socket version of item
- Mechanist’s Weird + weapon or armor = 2-socket version of item
- Maker’s Forge + weapon or armor = 3-socket version of item

Four to Six Sockets
- Socketer’s Tool + perfect gem + weapon or armor = 4-socket version of item
- Mechanist’s Weird + perfect gem + weapon or armor = 5-socket version of item
- Maker’s Forge + perfect gem + weapon or armor = 6-socket version of item

Power Preservation Socketing Recipes:
For MAGIC items, use the same ingredients in the basic recipes above, plus add two runes (of any type) and the item will gain sockets and retain its previous powers. That works up to making three sockets.

To make more than three sockets and retain a MAGIC item’s powers:
- Socketer tool + perfect gem + 2 runes + magic weapon or armor + 3 enchanted
stones = 4 socket item
- Mechanist weird + perfect gem + 2 runes + magic weapon + 3 enchanted
stones = 5 socket weapon
Note: You are not allowed to put six sockets on a magic item

To make sockets and retain a RARE item’s powers:
- One Socket: socketer's tool + rare item + 2 runes + perfect gem + 2 jewels
+ captured soul = 1 socket rare item
- Two Sockets: mechanist weird + rare item + 2 runes + perfect gem + 2 jewels
+ captured soul = 2 socket rare item
- Three Sockets: maker forge + rare item + 2 runes + perfect gem + 2 jewels
+ captured soul = 3 socket rare item
Note: Rare items are not allowed to have more than 3 sockets in this mod

For socketing UNIQUE weapons and armor and retaining powers, the recipes are:
- One Socket: socketer's tool + unique item + 2 runes + perfect gem
+ 2 jewels + gem creche = 1 socket unique item
- Two Sockets: mechanist weird + unique item + 2 runes + perfect gem
+ 2 jewels + gem creche = 2 socket unique item
- Three Sockets: maker forge + unique item + 2 runes + perfect gem
+ 2 jewels + gem creche = 3 socket unique item
Note: Unique items are not allowed to have more than 3 sockets in this mod

For socketing SET weapons and armor, the recipes are:
- One Socket: socketer's tool + set item + 2 runes + perfect gem
+ 2 jewels + gem creche = 1 socket set item
- Two Sockets: mechanist weird + set item + 2 runes + perfect gem
+ 2 jewels + gem creche = 2 socket set item
Note: Unique items are not allowed to have more than 2 sockets in this mod
(The set-socketing recipe above was made for v2.21. It cannot be used in earlier versions)

Purging Recipes:
If you add a Purging Stone to a basic socketing recipe, the weapon or armor will be stripped of all magical powers as well as being given the appropriate number of sockets. This is useful for only one conceivable purpose: To make an item ready for a runeword (some items almost always drop as magical or better, which makes giving them runewords impossible, as runewords cannot be given to items that are magic, rare, set or unique). The output item will not only have sockets and no magical modifiers, but it will also be high-quality. Note that the item you wish to purge cannot have any sockets in it already. If it does, the purging recipe will not work on that item. For reasons that should be obvious, adding Purging Stones to a Power Preservation recipe won’t work at all. One last note: You can use purging stones with an unsocketed magic, rare, set or unique item without adding any socketing tools…but if you do, you end up with a high-quality, unsocketed, non-magical item…which is a pretty worthless thing to do.

The Etherseek Glass
(Has been heavily updated for v2.21b with a change to how the recipes work)

Be prepared, you are about to receive a HUGE spoiler: Combining an Etherseek Glass with a magic or rare item (weapon, armor, ring, amulet, charm, jewel, etc.) has the possibility to create either a different magic version of that item, a rare version of it, a set version of it (if one exists) or a unique version (if one exists). It also has the possibility of producing a captured soul or even destroying the item and leaving you with almost useless debris (see debris recipe below for the one use of debris).

(NOTE: Prior to v2.21b, rare items wouldn't work in etherseek recipes. But they now can be used as an input in v2.21b. The reason will become clear if you continue below to read to find the spoiler clues.)

How to use Etherseek Glass and the results it gives isn’t the spoiler. You found that out early on in playing the mod, probably. The spoiler lies in how the random results are generated. There are six different Etherseek Glass items. In the game, you cannot tell the difference. They look identical and have the exact same names. When you find a vendor who sells Etherseek Glass, you will find that there are always six entries on the vendor screen. If you buy one glass from each of those six different places on the screen, you will have one of each possible type of glass. If you use each of those glasses with the same base rare item, you will get every possible result of Etherseeking (magic item, rare, set, unique, soul and debris). The results are similar for magic items, except that you will never get a set or unique if the item is only magical (see note below).

So, for example, you get one of each kind of glass and find six rare long swords. Use each glass on a long sword, and you will have a magic long sword, a rare one, a set version, a unique version, a captured soul and debris.

(IMPORTANT NOTE: Things have changed slightly as of version 2.21b compared to previous versions. Prior to this version, rare items couldn't be used in these recipes. Now they can, and the reason is to make it riskier and less likely for you to get set or unique items. If the input item isn't rare, it will NOT ever come out as a unique or set item. A simple magic item cannot be turned unique or rare by etherseeking; only rare items can make that leap.)

Note: If an item doesn’t have a set or unique version, but you used a glass that would normally create a set or unique item from that kind of item, you should get a rare or magic item instead.

The Etherseek Glasses might not always spawn in the same exact spots on a vendor screen (because other items above them or to the side of them might spawn in varying amounts, thus “pushing” the glasses around), but they should always spawn in the same order. In other words, if the first Etherseek Glass in a vendor screen doesn’t give you the result you want, next time try the second Etherseek Glass on the same base item. If that doesn’t give you what you want, try the third one. Etc.

Also, there is another use for Etherseek Glass: To make an Etherseek Shield. Although not the best defensive shield, Etherseek Shields offer high magic-find bonuses when equipped. To get an Etherseek Shield, combine any single Etherseek Glass with a Shadow Sigil.

If you combine Etherseek Glass with any other kind of sigil, you will get more or less random results, such as paladin shields, barbarian helms, runes, captured souls and various other items.

Using Debris

Debris is debris. That is to say: Junk. Garbage. Worthless. Or is it? In fact, there is one recipe that makes use of debris as a raw material. Here it is:

- 6 pieces of debris + a metal sigil + a jewel + any gem in the cube creates a Gem Creche

Socketable Item Recipes
(Recipes related to the creation, alteration or upgrade of gems, talismans, runes, jewels, etc.)

- Any three of the same kind of rune combined will give you the next higher rune (this recipe now goes all the way up to making a Zod instead of stopping midway through the cycle; unmodded Diablo 2 didn’t have this feature.)
- 3 Zod runes combine to make a Master Rune
- 1 Master Rune + 1 sigil = a “seasonal rune,” as follows:
If the sigil is:
- Red, the “seasonal rune” will be the Sumr Rune (summer)
- Purple, the “seasonal rune” will be the Sumr Rune (summer)
- Yellow, the “seasonal rune” will be the Autn Rune (autumn/fall)
- Metal, the “seasonal rune” will be the Autn Rune (autumn/fall)
- Blue, the “seasonal rune” will be the Wint Rune (winter)
- Shadow, the “seasonal rune” will be the Wint Rune (winter)
- Green, the “seasonal rune” will be the Spri Rune (spring)
- If you combine one of each of the four seasonal runes, you will get a GodsEye Rune
(this is the most powerful rune in the game)

Note: The seasonal runes and the GodsEye rune in various combinations make several different powerful runewords. For information on that, consult the Runeword Spoiler document.

Carbuncle Recipes
(Changes any kind of carbuncle into another kind of carbuncle)

- Spectral carbuncle + red sigil + any quality of dragon stone (what was the “ruby” gem
in the original D2) = inferno carbuncle
- Magenta carbuncle + shadow sigil + any quality of soulshard (what was the “diamond”
gem in the original D2) = astral carbuncle
- Inferno carbuncle + purple sigil + any quality of amethyst = magenta carbuncle
- Astral carbuncle + blue sigil + any pharaohnic talisman = spectral carbuncle

Magestone Recipes
Combining any one of the four types of magestones with 2 runes, 2 gems and 2 jewels will produce one of the other types of magestones, as follows:

- Auburn magestone becomes a shadowy magestone
- Crimson magestone becomes a royal magestone
- Royal magestone becomes an auburn magestone
- Shadowy magestone becomes a crimson magestone

Glyph Recipes
Combining a key, a captured soul and a socketer’s tool with a glyph will produce a different glyph, as follows:

- Zodiac Glyph becomes Kraken Glyph
- Kraken Glyph becomes Crowned Glyph
- Crowned Glyph becomes Zodiac Glyph

Orb Recipes
Combining an Etherseek Shield (shield, NOT Etherseek Glass) and a Mechanist’s Weird with an orb will create a different orb, as follows:

- Dusk Orb becomes Dawn Orb
- Dawn Orb becomes Gaia Orb
- Gaia Orb becomes Dusk Orb

Fire Blossom Recipes

Alteration Recipes
(These recipes allow you to change a Fire Blossom to a different fire blossom. Basically, you combine a gem creche and a sigil pretty much of similar color to the Fire Blossom you want to get)

- Fire Blossom + Green Sigil + Gem Creche = Veridian Fire Blossom
- Fire Blossom + Yellow Sigil + Gem Creche = Amber Fire Blossom
- Fire Blossom + Red Sigil + Gem Creche = Scarlet Fire Blossom
- Fire Blossom + Purple Sigil + Gem Creche = Violet Fire Blossom
- Fire Blossom + Blue Sigil + Gem Creche = Cyan Fire Blossom
- Fire Blossom + Metal Sigil + Gem Creche = Copper Fire Blossom
- Fire Blossom + Shadow Sigil + Gem Creche = Indigo Fire Blossom

Creation Recipes
(These recipes allow you to create various Fire Blossoms. Basically, you combine a perfect gem and a gem creche, and you will get a fire blossom of color that is, in most cases, similar to the perfect gem you used.)

- 4 Pure Sunstones + Gem Creche = Amber Fire Blossom
- 4 Dragon's Souls + Gem Creche = Scarlet Fire Blossom
- 4 VileEarth Gems + Gem Creche = Veridian Fire Blossom
- 4 Royal Amethysts + Gem Creche = Violet Fire Blossom
- 4 Regal Soulshards + Gem Creche = Cyan Fire Blossom
- 4 True Moonstones + Gem Creche = Indigo Fire Blossom
- 4 Pharoah's Scarabs + Gem Creche = Copper Fire Blossom

Fire Opal Recipes
Fire opals are handled much like other “upgradeable gems” in the game (amethysts, soulshards, dragon stones, moonstones, vileearth stones and sunstones). Three of the same quality combined will give you the next higher quality level. However, there are only three quality levels for fire opals, unlike the five for the other types of upgradeable gems.

“Organ-to-Gem” Conversion Recipes
(Various “body parts,” when combined with a gem creche in the cube, will produce a gem- or talisman-type item)

- Preserved Heart + Gem Creche = Blood Sphere
- Preserved Brain + Gem Creche = Oracle Glyph
- Monster Jawbone + Gem Creche = Rancor Circlet
- Petrified Eye + Gem Creche = Dim Sunstone
- Demon Horn + Gem Creche = Dragon’s Breath
- Imp Tail + Gem Creche = Kobold Tail
- Monster Teeth + Gem Creche = Runic Amethyst
- Monster Spines + Gem Creche = Hedron Glyph
- Preserved Spleen + Gem Creche = VileEarth Jewel
- Monster Skull + Gem Creche = Carved Moonstone
- Captured Soul + Gem Creche = Lesser Soulshard

Pain Sphere Recipes (added as of version 2.21a)
- Any Sunstone (except for a corrupted Sunstone) + 3 enchanted stones = Pain sphere
(There are four pain spheres: Lesser Pain Sphere, Pain Sphere, Greater Pain Sphere and Elder Pain Sphere. They DON'T drop in the game; they are gotten by using this Cube recipe only.)

Treasury Ingot Gem Recipes (added as of version 2.21a)
For each of the three treasury ingots, there is a recipe to create a new kind of gem. (The gems produced below will NOT drop in the game naturally; you have to create them in the Horadric Cube.)

- 1 pure sunstone + 1 bright gold treasury ingot = Quicksilver Gem
- 1 regal soulshard + 1 dark gold treasury ingot = Heaven's Mist gem
- 1 true moonstone + 1 red gold treasury ingot = Windcrystal gem

Item Enhancement Recipes

“Grim Staff” Recipes
(There are several recipes that enhance magic staves, all of them involving death/reviving/destruction in some way)

- Magic staff + shaman flag + monster skull + bone mage remains = skeleton staff
(Adds charges of Raise Skeleton and chance to cast Dim Vision when you’re hit)
- Magic staff + shaman flag + monster skull + lich remains = skeleton mage staff
(Adds charges of Raise Skeletal Mage and chance to cast Weaken when hit)
- Magic staff + shaman flag + monster skull + bone mage remains + soul = crawler staff
(Adds charges of Soul Crawler and chance to cast Terror when you’re hit)
- Magic staff + shaman flag + monster skull + lich remains + soul = creeper staff
(Adds charges of Solar Creeper and chance to cast Confuse when you’re hit)
- Magic staff + shaman flag + monster skull + lich remains + bone mage remains
+ perfect gem = reviver staff
(Adds charges of Revive and chance to cast Decrepify when you’re hit)

“Hellpower Shield” Recipes
(Similar concept to the grim staff recipes above, but for bone shields, grim shields and troll nest shields.)

- 3 lich bones + 3 skulls + captured soul + bone shield = hellfire shield
(Adds charges of Naga Strike)
- 3 lich bones + 3 skulls + captured soul + perfect gem + bone shield = deadstrike shield
(Adds charges of Sanctuary)
- 3 lich bones + 3 skulls + 2 captured souls + 2 perfect gems + bone shield
= reviver shield (Adds charges of Revive)
Note: Grim shields and troll nest shields will work in place of bone shields

“Mind Control Item” Recipes

- Spiceflower perfume + preserved heart + any gem + jewel + magic ring = ring
of charming (Adds charges of Conversion to your magic ring)
- Spiceflower perfume + preserved brain + any gem + jewel + magic amulet
= befuddlement amulet (Adds charges of Attract to your magic amulet)

Crafted Items
(These two sets of crafting recipes were added for v2.21. They didn’t exist in 2.20 or earlier)

Class-Oriented Crafts
- Combine a Master Rune with a magic version of the item in the cube.
Note: The following items are usable with the above recipe: Dragon stone,
swirling crystal, dimensional shard, any scythe-type weapon with necro
bonuses, earth armor, gaia coat, unity mantle, crown shield, royal shield,
vortex shield, reflex bow, ceremonial bow, grand matron bow, maiden pike,
matriarchical pike, ceremonial pike, brute armor, warlord armor, conqueror
plate, talon boots, dragonclaw boots, and slayer greaves.

“Normal” Item Crafts
- Combine a Master Rune with a magic version of the item in the cube.
Note: Works with the claymore, spiked club, breastplate, gothic shield, any
kind of glove or gauntlet, and any kind of boots. This recipe can also be used on
the exceptional and elite versions of all the items I just listed.

Making Items Magical (added as of v2.21a)

For a weapon, helmet, boots, gloves/gauntlets, armor, belt or shield, to make that item magical:
- Item + 2 enchanted stones and 3 gems

Making Items Rare (added as of v2.21a)

For a weapon, helmet, boots, gloves/gauntlets, armor, belt or shield, to make that item rare:
- Item + sorcerer's eye + amberstar jewel + faceted skyshard
- Item + any magestone + amberstar jewel + faceted skyshard

Khalim Recipes
(An alternate way of making Khalim’s Will and recipes that turn Khalim’s organs into useful items)

Khalim’s Will Recipe
- Khalim’s Flail + 3 captured souls + 3 jewels + 3 runes + 1 perfect gem = Khalim's Will

Khalim Organ Recipes
- Khalim’s Heart + Cyan Fire Blossom = Frozen Heart of Illini (charm)
- Khalim's Brain + VileEarth Gem = Khalim's Visage (amulet)
- Khalim's Eye + Pharaoh's Scarab = Scarabus Ring (ring)
- Khalim's Brain + Khalim's Eye + Gem Creche + Jewel = Talon Charm (charm)
- Khalim's Heart + Khalim's Brain + Gem Creche + Jewel = Starskull Charm (charm)
- Khalim's Heart + Khalim's Eye + Gem Creche + Jewel = Elder Wyhrd (charm)
- Khalim's Brain + Khalim's Heart + Khalim's Eye + Perfect Gem + Gem Creche
= Golgotha Charm (charm)
- Khalim's Brain + Khalim's Heart + Khalim's Eye + 1 of each Tiki Talisman
+ Faceted Orb = Hands Of Fate (charm)
Note: The three tiki talismans needed are Tiki of Rage, Tiki of Scorn and Tiki
of Despair)

Khalim Organ Recipes (added for v2.21a)
- Khalim's eye + temple ingot + el rune = Khalim's Gaze charm
- Khalim's heart + temple ingot + el rune = Khalim's Pulse charm
- Khalim's brain + temple ingot + el rune = Khalim's Thoughts charm
- All three Khalim organs + 3 temple ingots + el rune = BloodSoul Blooms charm

Opening Khalim’s Arcana

It should be pretty obvious how to open Khalim’s Arcana if you have bought it. The clue lies in the descriptive phrase under the item’s name, which says to “unlock” the item in the cube. How do you unlock something? With a key, of course…

- Khalim’s Arcana + key = Khalim flail/organ recipe book

“Unique” Charm Creation Recipes
(In addition to the Khalim charms created in the recipes above, there are other charms that are unique and only can be obtained through cube recipes. They are unique in the sense that you are only supposed to be able to carry one at a time. Actually, you can create more than one, but if ever you shop drop one of the “dupes,” you won’t be able to pick it back up again because its “twin” is already in your inventory.)

- Any Charm + 6 Water Jugs + Gem Creche = Aquarian Artifact
- Any Charm + Town Portal Tome + Identify Tome + Gem Creche = Scroll Charm
- Perfect gem + jewel + ancient engraved bowl + gem creche = Jewel charm
Note: The bowl and creche are the two “receptacles” referred to in the clue that
drops for this recipe…one of the hardest clues in the game, apparently. There are
six different 1x1 “jewel charms,” so named because of their appearance alone;
they cannot be socketed in items. They are just powerful charms. Depending on
which perfect gem you choose, that will determine which jewel charm you
get (the colors correspond, more or less). The six jewel charms are: Wine Prism
(red), Seafoam Lens (blue), Sepia Shard (yellow/amber), Alpine Facet (green),
MilkGlass (white/clear) and Lilac Sun (violet/purple).
- Pharaoh scarab + jewel + ancient engraved bowl + gem creche = Hratethos Charm
Note: This recipe is almost the same as the jewel charm recipe above. But it uses
a perfect pharaohnic talisman rather than a perfect gem, and the resulting charm is
1x2 in size, shaped like a little sarcophagus.
- 3 rare knife-class weapons + any charm = Razor Spiral
- Monster teeth + bone mage bones + lich bones + enchanted stone + medicinal root
+ perfect gem + any weapon = Seeds of Ares
- 1 of each type of “dragon stone” + 1 captured soul = DragonScale Torus
Note: You must have one of each of the five quality level of the dragon
stones (“dragon stones” are the basic red gems…what used to be rubies in
the unmodded game…not to be confused with the sorceress orb (weapon)
that is actually called the Dragon Stone.)
- Zombie heart + 3 shadow sigils + 3 perfect gems + maker's forge + totem charm
= Rue Lord Totem (a very large charm)
- Battlesong relic + 3 shadow sigils + 3 perfect gems + maker's forge + totem charm
= Forged Knight Totem (a very large charm)
- Vampire heart + 3 shadow sigils + 3 perfect gems + maker's forge + totem charm
= Lich Guardian Totem (a very large charm)
Note: For the three huge-charm recipes above, the first ingredient in each case is
a socketable item, in case you’ve forgotten. The zombie heart, vampire heart and battlesong relic are gem-type items. The two hearts noted here are not the same as the preserved heart that drops sometimes.
- Huge courier bag + ki-rin talon = Wind Mage’s Tote
- Huge courier bag + pharaoh's scarab= Bag of Wonders
- Huge courier bag + crown glyph = Maker’s Purse
- Huge courier bag + 3 temple ingots = Miracle Pouch
Note: There are other uses for huge courier bags, as noted in the courier bag section later in this document.
- 6 temple ingots + 6 tekhnus wires = Imperial Orb of Midyah
(works only in v2.20. You need 10 of each ingredient in v2.21 and later versions)
Note: This charm has 5 sockets, though only one is visible
- 4 captured souls + 4 lich bones + 6 enchanted stones + 2 gem creches + 1 perfect gem
+ Zod rune = Crypt Charm of Zhoulom
Note: This charm has 5 sockets, though only one is visible
- Rare gloves + 3 captured souls + faerie charm ring + perfect gem + gem creche
= Scavenger's Hand (note: faerie charm ring is a socketable item, not a ring)
- 3 necromancer heads + tekhnus wire + cham rune = String of Heads
(Note: “necromancer heads” refers to the severed heads equipped by necros
as shields)
- Gem creche + 6 of same type of sigil + 3 perfect gems of same type + ethereal oil
+ myrrh = Elemental Charm or debris (as follows:)
- If 6 red sigils and 3 perf. “dragon stones” (rubies), then it’s an Inferno Charm
- If 6 blue sigils and 3 perf. moonstones (sapphires), then it’s a Tundra Charm
- If 6 yellow sigils and 3 perf. sunstones (topaz), then it’s a Storm Charm
- If 6 green sigils and 3 perf. vileearth stones (emerald), it’s a Plague Charm
- If 6 purple sigils and 3 perf. amethysts, then it will be debris
Note: There is no corresponding recipes involving the perfect soulshards, nor are there any corresponding recipes for the other kinds of sigils.

Unique Charm Recipes Added as of v 2.21
- 10 shadow sigils + 3 shadowy magestones = Shadowspawn Sigil
(This recipe was added for version 2.21; it is not in 2.20 or earlier)
- Sepia Shard charm + oil of etherealness + Lilac Sun charm = Glyph of
Light and Darkness
(This recipe was added for version 2.21; it is not in 2.20 or earlier)
Note: If you choose the wrong two jewel charms for the above recipe, you
will get any number of varying results, but you won’t get the Glyph of Light
and Darkness charm

Unique Charm Recipes Added as of v 2.21a
- Eternity key + gem creche = Key of the Arcane charm
- Any necro "voodoo head" + 3 monster skulls + eternity key = Skull of the Ageless charm
- Any druid animal helmet + 6 medicinal roots + wyvren feather = Gaia Circle charm

Recharging Unique Charms
It is possible in almost all cases to “recharge” your unique charm if it has charges of some skill or skills on it. However, the recharging process is not necessarily a full recharge. What the recipe below does is re-spawn the item with a random number of charges. This was the only efficient way to handle recharging these items in the game, as paying for a vendor to recharge them was typically too expensive to be feasible.

Charm Recharge Recipe:
Combine the charm with Temple Ingots in the cube. For some charms, as few as one temple ingot will do the trick. If the recipe doesn’t work, start adding temple ingots one at a time. To the best of my knowledge, no charm I made requires more than 6 temple ingots to be recharged. A few need only one. Most need two or three. A few need four. I think only one needs six. I don’t think I have any five-ingot recharge recipes.

Various Item Creation & Upgrade Recipes

Weapon Items (pre-2.21)
- 6 monster teeth + 1 monster jawbone + blade = ogre jaw
- 6 monster teeth + 1 monster jawbone + exceptional blade = leviathan jaw
- 6 monster teeth + 1 monster jawbone + elite blade = dragon jaw
- 3 monster spines + any type of spear + amethyst = enhanced thunder javelins
(these are thunder javelins that cast Dim Vision when they hit)
- 2 broad swords = 1 two handed sword (high-quality)
- 2 long swords = 1 claymore (high-quality)
- 2 war swords = 1 mage sword (high-quality)
- 2 hand axes = 1 broad axe (high-quality)
- 2 double axes = 1 battle axe (high-quality)
- 2 war axes = 1 giant axe (high-quality)
- Mace + war hammer = maul (high-quality)
- 2 war hammers = 1 great maul (high-quality)
- War hammer + maul = great maul (high-quality)
- 2 mauls = 1 great maul (high-quality)
- Crystal sword + perfect gem = astral razor (high-quality)
- Spear + brandistock = pike (high-quality)
- Any weapon + 3 spleens + demon horn + monster teeth + preserved heart
+ gem = weapon of venom

Weapon Items (added for v2.21)
- 6 imp tails + flail = magic necromancer flail (works with normal/exceptional/elite flails)
- 4 imp tails + mace = magic flail (works with normal/exceptional/elite maces)
- “Stick” + magic knife + 5 perfect gems = rare spiked club
Note: The stick is either a heavy rod, enchanter’s rod or truncheon. Magic knife is
any magic knife-class weapon. Heavy rod becomes a spiked club, enchanter’s rod
becomes a barbed club, and truncheon becomes a tyrant club.
- Imp tail + gem = magic sling

Weapon Items (added for v2.21a)
- Long bow + short bow = 1 composite bow (high-quality)
(in v2.21, it was 2 of any kind of bows = 1 composite bow)
- 2 battle swords = 1 espandon (high-quality)
- 2 rune swords = 1 dacian falx (high-quality)
- 2 ancient swords = magus sword (high-quality)
- 2 melee axes = 1 bearded axe (high-quality)
- 2 twin axes = tabar (high-quality)
- 2 nagas = ancient axe (high-quality)
- 2 battle hammers = 1 martel de fer (high-quality)
- Flanged mace + battle hammer = war club (high-quality)
- 2 battle hammers = martel de fer (high-quality)
- Battle hammer + war club = martel de fer (high-quality)
- 2 war clubs = martel de fer (high-quality)
- Dimensional blade + 2 perfect gems = pandemonium blade (high-quality)
- War spear + barbed pike = lance (high-quality)
- Cedar bow + edge bow = double bow (high-quality)
- 2 conquest swords = legend sword (high-quality)
- 2 cryptic swords = highland blade (high-quality)
- 2 mythical swords = balrog mageblade (high-quality)
- 2 skirmish axes = silvren axe (high-quality)
- 2 ettin axes = decapitator (high-quality)
- 2 berseker axes = glorious axe (high-quality)
- Reinforced mace + legendary mallet = ogre maul (high-quality)
- 2 legendary mallets = adamant maul (high-quality)
- Legendary mallet + ogre maul = adamant maul (high-quality)
- 2 ogre mauls = adamant maul (high-quality)
- Phase blade + 3 perfect gems = interplanar sword (high-quality)
- Hyperion spear + siege lance = war pike (high-quality)
- Shadow bow + spider bow = great bow (high-quality)

Elite Weapons
- Most exceptional weapons can be turned into their elite version by combining the exceptional weapon with any gem, any rune and 3 enchanted stones
Note: The elite upgrade recipe above doesn’t work on some weapons in v2.20.
In 2.21, the recipes were expanded, and should cover all weapons in the game,
or at least almost all of them.

“Piercing” Weapon
- 3 vials ethereal oil + 5 bottles of sharpening oil + 3 temple ingots + blessed myrrh
+ any weapon creates a rare version of the weapon that, in addition to the powers
it gets from being a rare, also adds five other extra powers, one of which is
“reduce enemy armor class” (hence why I call it the “piercing recipe”)
(This recipe was added for version 2.21; it is not in 2.20 or earlier)

Armor Items
- 4 monster skulls + full helm = bone helm
- 4 monster skulls + full helm + 3 gems + 3 jewels = magic bone helm
- 4 monster skulls + full helm + 2 perfect gems + 3 runes + 2 jewels = rare bone helm
- 2 assassin claw weapons + 2 breastplates + jewel = claw armor
(Exceptional/elite versions of breastplates produce exceptional/elite claw armor)
- 2 claws + 2 breastplates + jewel + 2 runes + 2 gems = magic claw armor
(Exceptional/elite versions of breastplates produce exceptional/elite claw armor)
- Splint mail + spiceflower perfume + preserved heart + demon horn + medicinal herb
+ gem + 4 runes = earth armor
(Exceptional/elite versions of splint will produce exceptional/elite druid armor
- Ancient engraved bowl + jewel = magic helmet

Armor Items (added for v2.21a)
- Quilted armor + leather armor + ring mail + breastplate = field plate
- Quilted armor + studded leather + chain mail + field plate = gothic plate
- Field plate + full plate = ancient armor
- Warding cloak + serpentskin armor + linked mail + cuirass = sharktooth armor
- Warding cloak + trellised armor + mesh armor + sharktooth armor = embossed plate
- Sharktooth armor + chaos armor = ornate plate
- Dusk shroud + wyrmhide + diamond mail + great hauberk = kraken shell
- Dusk shroud + wire fleece + boneweave + kraken shell = lacquered plate
- Kraken shell + shadow plate = sacred armor

Ethereal & Advanced Durability Items
- Ethereal oil + a weapon or piece or armor = Ethereal version of item
(Item cannot have sockets on it or the recipe won’t work)
- Myrrh + a weapon or piece or armor = 8 to 20 durability added to the item
- Blessed myrrh + a weapon or piece or armor = indestructible version of item
Note: After making an item ethereal as described above, you can use the blessed myrrh recipe to make the item indestructible and get around the fact that ethereal items cannot be repaired.

Other Items
- 3 petrified eyes + captured soul + any gem = “amulet of inner sight”
(Creates an amulet that will allow you to use the spell "Aura of Discernment")
- Temple ingot + 6 gems + tekhnus wire = rare amulet
(recipe added for v2.21)
- Faerie charm ring + magic ring = “treasure finder” magic ring
(recipe added for v2.21)
- 1 of each of the three kinds of treasury ingots combined will produce a temple ingot
(recipe added for v2.21)

Creating Mechanist Weapons
(Mechanist weapons spawn with certain powers automatically, are very potent in terms of damage and swing speed, and always have sockets. They don’t spawn as magic, rare, set or unique, and they cannot be given extra magical powers except through socketing.)

Note: There was a change I made for version 2.21 so that mechanist weapons could be given the exact number of sockets you want, thus allowing for any runewords you might want to create. So, there are two sets of recipe information below for the normal and exceptional versions: one for v2.20 and earlier (with a fixed number of sockets), and another set for 2.21 (that produce two sockets to start off with, with upgrading possible). If you bring a character into 2.21 from an earlier version, though, the “old” type of mechanist weapons will still work if you already have them.

Also, new mechanist weapons were added in 2.21, including mechanist flails (which are actually axe-class because they are razored), mechanists maces, and an entire class of elite versions for all of the mechanist weapons. (The new flail recipe and mace recipe are very similar to each other, by the way. It’s just that one uses sharpening oil and the other one uses hardening gel.)

Normal Mechanist Weapons - 2.20:
(These are the recipes for version 2.20 and earlier)
Sockets: Number of sockets is always fixed at five or six depending on the item
- Crafter’s hilt + blade frame + adhesive fluid + sharpening oil = Mekhanik Warblade
- 2 maker’s shafts + adhesive fluid + hardening gel = Inertial Greatrod
(The greatrod is a staff-class weapon)
- Forgestriker head + maker’s shaft + adhesive fluid + hardening gel = Forgemaster
Great-Bludgeon (a hammer-class weapon)
- Maker’s shaft + tekwire coil + adhesive fluid + flexis oil = Mekhanik Bow (bow-class)
- Maker’s shaft + crafter’s hilt + adhesive fluid + flexis oil = Suncaster (crossbow-class)

Normal Mechanist Weapons - 2.21: (includes two new items)
Sockets: Number of sockets on the item is two to start out with. You need a separate recipe (see below) to give more sockets if you want them
- All of the 2.21 recipes for mechanist weapons use the same ingredients as in 2.20
and earlier. The only difference is that they spawn with 2 sockets to start and
the mechanist swords now take up more inventory space to allow for up to
six sockets.
- Forgestriker head + crafter’s hilt + adhesive fluid + sharpening oil = Charged Flail
(This flail recipe was added for version 2.21; it is not in 2.20 or earlier)
- Forgestriker head + crafter’s hilt + adhesive fluid + hardening gel
= Hypothermic Club (mace-class)
(This mace recipe was added for version 2.21; it is not in 2.20 or earlier)

Normal Mechanist Weapons - 2.21a: (includes two new items)
(Added for v2.21a)
Sockets: Number of sockets on the item is two to start out with. You need a separate recipe (see below) to give more sockets if you want them
- Maker's shaft + blade frame + adhesive fluid + sharpening oil = Mekhanik Bladestick
- 2 maker's shaft + adhesive fluid + sharpening oil = Mekhanik Bladestaff
Note: The difference between the two spear-class weapons above is that the first is a one-handed spear (faster, less damage) and the second one is a two-handed spear (slower, more damage). Otherwise, they are similar (both in name and the fact they have the same base powers)

Exceptional Mechanist Weapons - 2.20:
(These are the recipes for version 2.20 and earlier)
Sockets: Number of sockets is always fixed at five or six depending on the item
- Crafter’s hilt + blade frame + adhesive fluid + sharpening oil + enhancement matrix
+ mechanist clamp + tekhnus wire = Tekhnyk Longrazor (sword-class)
- 2 maker’s shafts + adhesive fluid + hardening gel + enhancement matrix
+ mechanist clamp + tekhnus wire = Kinetic Strikestaff (staff-class weapon)
- Forgestriker head + maker’s shaft + adhesive fluid + hardening gel + enhancement
matrix + mechanist clamp + tekhnus wire = Vulkhan Warstriker (hammer-class)
- Maker’s shaft + tekwire coil + adhesive fluid + flexis oil + enhancement matrix
+ mechanist clamp + tekhnus wire = Tekhnyk Bow (bow-class)
- Maker’s shaft + crafter’s hilt + adhesive fluid + flexis oil + enhancement matrix
+ mechanist clamp + tekhnus wire = Conflagration Sling (crossbow-class)

Exceptional Mechanist Weapons - 2.21: (includes two new items)
(These are the recipes added for version 2.21)
Sockets: Number of sockets on the item is two to start out with. You need a separate recipe (see below) to give more sockets if you want them
- All of the 2.21 recipes for mechanist weapons use the same ingredients as in 2.20
and earlier. The only difference is that they spawn with 2 sockets to start and
the mechanist swords now take up more inventory space to allow for up to
six sockets.
- Forgestriker head + crafter’s hilt + adhesive fluid + sharpening oil + enhancement
matrix + mechanist clamp + tekhnus wire = Conduction Lashlinks (flail-class)
(This flail recipe was added for version 2.21; it is not in 2.20 or earlier)
- Forgestriker head + crafter’s hilt + adhesive fluid + hardening gel + enhancement
matrix + mechanist clamp + tekhnus wire = Cryomace (mace-class)
(This mace recipe was added for version 2.21; it is not in 2.20 or earlier)

Exceptional Mechanist Weapons - 2.21a: (includes one new item)
(Added for v2.21a)
Sockets: Number of sockets is always fixed at five or six depending on the item
- Maker's shaft + blade frame + adhesive fluid + sharpening oil + enhancement matrix
+ mechanist clamp + tekhnus wire = Pneumatic Spear (spear-class)
- 2 maker's shaft + adhesive fluid + sharpening oil + enhancement matrix
+ mechanist clamp + tekhnus wire = Pneumatic Lance (spear-class)
Note: The difference between the two spear-class weapons above is that the first is a one-handed spear (faster, less damage) and the second one is a two-handed spear (slower, more damage). Otherwise, they are similar (both in name and the fact they have the same base powers)

Elite Mechanist Weapons:
(Note: These only exist in v2.21. They are not in 2.20 or earlier versions of the mod)
Sockets: Number of sockets on the item is two to start out with. You need a separate recipe (see below) to give more sockets if you want them
- Crafter’s hilt + blade frame + adhesive fluid + sharpening oil + 3 enhancement matrices
+ 2 mechanist clamps + tekhnus wire = Greatmaker's Shear-Edge (sword-class)
- 2 maker’s shafts + adhesive fluid + hardening gel + 3 enhancement matrices
+ 2 mechanist clamps + tekhnus wire = Impactor Grand-Pole (staff-class)
- Forgestriker head + maker’s shaft + adhesive fluid + hardening gel + 3 enhancement
matrices + 2 mechanist clamps + tekhnus wire
= Imagenyr Heavy-Sledge (hammer-class)
- Maker’s shaft + tekwire coil + adhesive fluid + flexis oil + 3 enhancement matrices
+ 2 mechanist clamps + tekhnus wire = Esoteric Siegebow (bow-class)
- Maker’s shaft + crafter’s hilt + adhesive fluid + flexis oil + 3 enhancement matrices
+ 2 mechanist clamps + tekhnus wire = Cremation Sling (crossbow-class)
- Forgestriker head + crafter’s hilt + adhesive fluid + sharpening oil + 3 enhancement
matrices + 2 mechanist clamps + tekhnus wire = Elektrykh Scourge-Mace
- Forgestriker head + crafter’s hilt + adhesive fluid + hardening gel + 3 enhancement
matrices + 2 mechanist clamps + tekhnus wire = Cryotekhnik Stunrod

Elite Mechanist Weapons - 2.21a: (includes one new item)
(Added for v.2.21a)
Sockets: Number of sockets on the item is two to start out with. You need a separate recipe (see below) to give more sockets if you want them
- Maker's shaft + blade frame + adhesive fluid + sharpening oil + 3 enhancement matrices
+ 2 mechanist clamps + tekhnus wire = Imagenyr Razorstaff (spear-class)
- 2 maker's shafts + adhesive fluid + sharpening oil + 3 enhancement matrices
+ 2 mechanist clamps + tekhnus wire = Imagenyr Razorpole (spear-class)
Note: The difference between the two spear-class weapons above is that the first is a one-handed spear (faster, less damage) and the second one is a two-handed spear (slower, more damage). Otherwise, they are similar (both in name and the fact they have the same base powers)

NOTE: The elite recipes above are, you may notice, almost the same as the exceptional versions, except that you need 3 matrices and 2 clamps instead of one of each.

Socketing the Mechanist Weapons in 2.21
(This only works in 2.21, and is necessary if you want to have more than 2 sockets on your mechanist weapon. You make the basic weapon first with 2 sockets, and then apply one of the recipes below on that item.)
- The basic two-socket weapon + 3 socketer’s tools = 3-socket version of item
- The basic two-socket weapon + 4 socketer’s tools = 4-socket version of item
- The basic two-socket weapon + 5 socketer’s tools = 5-socket version of item
- The basic two-socket weapon + 6 socketer’s tools = 6-socket version of item

Note: Thanks to the new mechanist recipes in 2.21, you can now put the runeword you want on any mechanist weapon if you plan properly (and if the runeword is allowed on that kind of weapon).

Miscellaneous Recipes

Jewel Recipes
- Gem + Rune will make a random jewel
- Ancient engraved bowl + honeystar will make a random jewel
- Jewel + gem creche + metal sigil + shadow sigil = rare jewel
(If any other kind of sigil is used in the recipe, debris will be created instead)

Creating Mana Potions
- 2 water jugs = mana water
- Water jug + preserved spleen = mana water
- Water jug + preserved heart = mana water
- Water jug + demon horn = mana water
- 2 bottles of wine + medicinal root = magus' mead
- Preserved brain + stamina potion = magus' mead
- Preserved brain + fine wine = wine of the gods

Creating Healing Items
- Preserved spleen + antidote + stamina potion = bread of life
- Water jug + medicinal root = bread of life
- Medicinal root + stamina potion = shaman's bag
- Medicinal root + preserved heart = medicine box

Creating Rejuvenation Items
- 2 medicinal roots + preserved heart + antidote + stamina potion + 2 healing
items = Heart of Glory
- 2 medicinal roots + preserved brain + any healing items = Heart of Glory
- Preserved brain + medicinal root + any mana potion + any healing item + preserved
heart + preserved spleen + captured soul = Mind of Glory
Note: “Healing items” for above rejuvenation recipes are the items that act like healing
potions in the mod (bread of life, shaman’s bag, etc.)

Creating Wealth
Treasury ingots don’t sell for very much at vendors. But if you combine the ingot with the proper catalyst, you will get a pile of coins that you can sell for a good chunk of money.

- Dark gold treasury ingot + dark gold seal = Treasury Coins (dark gold)
- Red gold treasury ingot + red gold ring = Treasury Coins (red gold)
- Bright gold treasury ingot + bright gold star = Treasury Coins (bright gold)
Note: Treasury ingots are not the same as temple ingots. Temple ingots are used in various recipes, particularly charm recharging recipes. Treasury ingots are a way to gain wealth.

Creating Wealth (new for v2.21a)
- If you combine all six of the above input ingredients for "creating wealth" above together, along with a temple ingot as well (i.e. temple ingot + one of each treasury ingot + one of each treasury ingot "catalyst"), you will get Sacred Treasure, which is worth quite a bit of money, especially if you sell it to a certain NPC in Hell difficulty who is now set to buy back items for a much higher maximum than anyone else in the game. It may not be worthwhile to make sacred treasure in Normal and Nightmare because of the caps on NPC to buy back items, but you'll have to play with that yourself to figure out where it's best to make it and who to sell it to.

- Also, there are recipes (as of v2.21a) to convert one kind of treasury ingot to another, as follows:
- 2 bright gold ingots = 1 dark gold ingot
- 3 red gold ingots = 1 bright gold ingot
- 2 dark gold ingots = 1 red gold ingot

Opening Courier Bags
There are various types/sizes of courier bags that drop from time to time in the game. These are magic bags that are magically sealed to prevent theft. If you use the right bladed item to open them, you will get a random treasure or item. The wrong item combined with the bag in the cube will yield you a ruined bag and send the contents back to an extradimensional vault where they were originally placed into the bag (meaning you cannot get that treasure from that bag).

- Courier bag + receiver’s knife = Reward !!!
- Courier bag + merchant’s blade = Failure
- Courier bag + tiestring cutter = Failure
- Courier bag + cantrip keyblade = Failure
- Courier bag + magician’s razor = Failure

Note: Remember, too, that Huge Courier Bags can be turned into special unique charms if you prefer. Those recipe are in the unique charms section earlier in this document.

Most Useless Recipe Ever ???
Making Yourself a Cube
(This recipe was added for version 2.21; it is not in 2.20 or earlier)
Combine 6 enhancement matrices in the cube to get another cube. However, they share the same inventory space, so this is a pretty useless recipe unless you’re worried you might lose the cube at some point and want to have a backup version in your stash “just in case.” But I’ve never heard of anyone losing their cube before…

“Cheat” Recipes
(These recipes were included for testing purposes in my mod or as “hidden” recipes. They were never intended to be used by players in general and could be very unbalancing in the game. But if you want to “cheat,” here they are…)

Making Khalim’s Organs
(There are two sets of recipes in my files to do this. I don’t know why I did that. I think both sets work.)

Organ Recipes Set #1:
- 3 perfect gems + soul + gem creche + temple ingot + preserved heart = Khalim’s Heart
- 3 perfect gems + soul + gem creche + temple ingot + preserved brain = Khalim’s Brain
- 3 perfect gems + soul + gem creche + temple ingot + petrified eye = Khalim’s Eye

Organ Recipes Set #2:
- Ancient engraved bowl + preserved heart + perfect gem = Khalim’s Heart
(works in v2.20…it was changed to 6 preserved hearts in v2.21)
- Ancient engraved bowl + preserved brain + a high-level rune = Khalim’s Brain
Note: Rune that work with the above recipe: Um, Mal, Ist, Gul, Vex or Ohm
- Ancient engraved bowl + 1 prism gem + petrified eye = Khalim’s Eye
(works in v2.20…it was changed to 2 petrified eyes in v2.21)
Note: “Prism” gems are Blood Stone, King’s Eye, Flesh Prism, Winter Shard & Autumn Flame

Set Creation Recipes
(To test certain new set items I made, I made simple recipes to create them. The recipe below does not work on all items, but it will work on almost all items used in the new sets I created since version 2.20 of the mod)

- Base item + key + perfect gem + quiver of bolts = set version of the base item

Set Upgrade Recipe
(Only works with one new set item I created in the game)

- Mara’s Cowl + Zod rune = enhanced Mara’s Helm (adds +2 to all skills)
Last edited by jbouley on Sat Oct 04, 2003 8:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
-Jeff Bouley
A riddle wrapped within a mystery surrounded by an enigma -- served with a heaping side order of fried conundrum and a tall glass of puzzlement.
(Download my SiC mod [for 1.09] and other goodies) ---- (Read Phrozen Forums terms of service)

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