Updated Magic Modifier List

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Updated Magic Modifier List

Post by Nefarius » Thu Mar 27, 2003 8:32 pm

they are boolean values, thats a typo.
Im re-writing this as a downloadable sheet so theres no point fixing the online one ATM.

note FREEZE is no boolean indeed, its a integer. (original error removed.)

set it to 100 to make it work like the old pre-expansion ice blink for :)

EDIT, here is the current updated list with fixes:

Code: Select all

DESCRIPTION                            CODE        PARAM1   PARAM2   PARAM3 BUGS

min      = minimum value
max      = maximum value
1/0      = Boolean
#sec     = number of seconds
#fpsdur  = number of frames duration
skillID  = Skill ID number from Skills.txt
tab#     = Skill Tab ID number
chance   = chance to cast
slvl     = skill level
#charges = number of charges
---      = nothing
#sock    = number of sockets
value    = number increased per level
#time    = Time of Day effects are at their maximum

+ to Amazon Skills                    ama                    min       max
+ to Assassin Skills                  asn                    min       max
+ to Barbarian Skills                 bar                    min       max
+ to Druid Skills                     dru                    min       max
+ to Necromancer Skills               nec                    min       max
+ to Paladin Skills                   pal                    min       max
+ to Sorceress                        sor                    min       max
+ to All Skills                       allskills              min       max  Bugged (1.07+) (gives random +class skills if your minimum and maximum values are different)
+ to Fire Skills                      fireskill              min       max
+ to Single Skills                    skill        skillID   min       max  Bugged (1.07+) (columns stack if you use it in socket items and set boni)
+ to Single Skill Tabs                skilltab     tab#      min       max  Bugged (1.07+) (columns stack if you use it in socket items and set boni)
Chance to cast X when attacking       att-skill    skillID   chance    slvl Bugged (1.07+) (doesn't work with ranged attacks)
Chance to cast X when hitting         hit-skill    skillID   chance    slvl Bugged (1.09D) (only graphical effects since 1.09D)
Chance to cast X when getting hit     gethit-skill skillID   chance    slvl Bugged (1.09D) (only graphical effects since 1.09D)
Skill Charges                         charged      skillID   #charges  slvl Bugged (1.07+) (columns stack if you use it in socket items and set boni)

Armor Class (Basic)
+ to AC                                ac                    min       max
+% to AC                               ac%                   min       max
+AC vs Melee                           ac-hth                min       max
+AC vs Missiles                        ac-miss               min       max

Durability & Quantity
+ to Dur                               dur                   min       max Bugged (1.00+) (if you exceed 255 durability on the item you will have to repair it whenever you start a game, this is so because durability is stored in a single byte, modifier has no description)
+% to Dur                              dur%                  min       max Bugged (1.00+) (if you exceed 255 durability on the item you will have to repair it whenever you start a game, this is so because durability is stored in a single byte)
Indestructible                         indestruct            1/0       1/0 Bugged (1.07+) (breaks items with +% and + dur if added thru sockets)
Repair 1 Dur per X seconds             rep-dur     #sec      ---       --- Bugged (1.07+) (breaks items with +% and + dur if added thru sockets, does not work if applied to the item post generation in a cube recipe!)
Repair 1 Qnt per X Seconds             rep-quant   #sec      ---       ---
Increase Stack by X                    stack                 min       max Bugged (1.07+) (does not work if applied to the item post generation in a cube recipe!)

Attack Rating (Basic)
+ to AR                                att                   min       max
+% to AR                               att%                  min       max
+ to AR vs Demons                      att-demon             min       max
+ to AR vs Undead                      att-undead            min       max

Damage Enhancements (Basic)
+% to Damage                           dmg%                  min       max
+ to Maximum Damage                    dmg-min               min       max
+ to Minimum Damage                    dmg-max               min       max
+ to Maxmimum & Minimum Damage         dmg-norm              min       max
+% damage vs Demons                    dmg-demon             min       max Bugged ( 1.08) (too high values may cause a rollover that will make you deal less damage)
+% damage vs Undead                    dmg-undead            min       max Bugged ( 1.08) (too high values may cause a rollover that will make you deal less damage)
+% crushing blow                       crush                 min       max
+% deadly strike                       deadly                min       max
+ to Damage                            dmg                   min       max
+ throw damage                         dmg-throw             min       max Bugged (1.07+) (modifier has no description)

Special Damage Effects (Basic)
Ignores Target Defense (ITD)           ignore-ac             1/0       1/0
+% pierce (missiles only)              pirece                min       max
knockback                              knock                 1/0       1/0
+% life stolen                         lifesteal             min       max
+% mana stolen                         manasteal             min       max 
heal mana by # mana after each kill    mana-kill             min       max             
heal life by # after each demon kill   demon-heal            min       max
prevents monster healing               noheal                1/0       1/0
+% chance to cause open wounds         openwounds            min       max Bugged (1.00+) (the damage the enemy takes from bleeding will only show after you hit them a second time)
Enemy Is slowed by X%                  slow                  min       max Bugged (1.07+) (every value is the same as 100%)
Chance to Blind Target                 stupidity             min       max
Chance to Freeze Target                freeze                min       max
Reduce AC by X%                        reduce-ac             min       max Bugged (1.07+) (works in PVP, stacks and hence works like ITD)
Reduce AC by X                         dmg-ac                min       max
+ to Kicking Damage                    kick                  min       max
+% chance to reanimate target          reanimate             min       max Bugged (1.00+) (the raise skeleton skill is casted while the enemy is in mode DT ratter then DD, making this do nothing, to make it useful change the skillID used by the modifier in d2game.dll)

Special Defense Effects (Basic)
X% damage taken goes to mana           dmg-to-mana           min       max
reduces damage taken by X              red-dmg               min       max
reduces damage taken by X%             red-dmg%              min       max
reduces magic damage taken by X        red-mag               min       max
Attacker takes X damage when hitting   thorns                min       max
Attacker takes X ltng dmg when hitting light-torns           min       max

Elemental Damage
Cold Damage                            dmg-cold    #fpsdur   min       max
Minimum Cold Damage                    cold-min              min       max
Maximum Cold Damage                    cold-max              min       max
Cold Duration (# of frames, 25=1Sec)   cold-len              min       max
Poison Damage                          dmg-pois    #fpsdur   min       max
Minimum Poison Damage                  pois-min              min       max
Maximum Poison Damage                  pois-max              min       max
Poison Duration (# of frames, 25=1Sec) pois-len              min       max
Fire Damage                            dmg-fire              min       max
Minimum Fire Damage                    fire-min              min       max
Maximum Fire Damage                    fire-max              min       max
Lightning Damage                       dmg-ltng              min       max
Minimum Lightning Damage               ltng-min              min       max
Maximum Lightning Damage               ltng-max              min       max
Magic Damage                           dmg-mag               min       max

Resistances and Such (Basic)
+ to Cold Absorb                        abs-cold              min       max
+% to Cold Absorb                       abs-cold%             min       max
+ to Lightning Absorb                   abs-ltng              min       max
+% to Lightning Absorb                  abs-ltng%             min       max
+ to Magic Absorb                       abs-mag               min       max
+% to Magic Absorb                      abs-mag%              min       max
+ to Fire Absorb                        abs-fire              min       max
+% to Fire Absorb                       abs-fire%             min       max
Half Freeze Duration                    half-freeze           1/0       1/0
Cannot be Frozen                        nofreeze              1/0       1/0
+% to Resist All                        res-all               min       max Bugged (1.00) (minor, it will display "+-" infront of the value if you use negative values)
+% to Resist Cold                       res-cold              min       max
+% to Resist Fire                       res-fire              min       max
+% to Resist Lightning                  res-ltng              min       max
+% to Resist Poison                     res-pois              min       max
+% to Resist Magic                      res-mag               min       max
+% to Maximum Resist All                res-all-max           min       max
+% to Maximum Resist Cold               res-cold-max          min       max
+% to Maximum Resist Fire               res-fire-max          min       max
+% to Maximum Resist Lightning          res-ltng-max          min       max
+% to Maximum Resist Poison             res-poison-max        min       max
+% to Maximum Resist Magic              res-mag-max           min       max
Reduce Poison Duration (slows duration) res-pois-len          min       max

Stat Bonus (Basic)
+ to Dexteriry                         dex                   min       max
+ to Strength                          str                   min       max
+ to Vitality                          vit                   min       max
+ to Energy                            enr                   min       max

Health and Mana (Basic)
+ to Health                            hp                    min       max
+ to Mana                              mana                  min       max
+% to Health                           hp%                   min       max Bugged (1.07+) (if you have -hp items equipped this will "boost" your life to 1 hp if you re-equip your items after death)
+% to Mana                             mana%                 min       max Bugged (1.07+) (if you have -mp items equipped this will "boost" your mana to 1 mp if you re-equip your items after death)
+ to Replenish Life / Drain Life       regen                 min       max
+% to Mana Regeneration                regen-mana            min       max

Movement Speed and Stamina (Basic)
+% run/walk speed                      move1                 min       max
+% run/walk speed                      move2                 min       max
+% run/walk speed                      move3                 min       max
+ to stamina                           stam                  min       max
+% reduce stamina drain                stamdrain             min       max
+% stamina regeneration                regen-stam            min       max

Attack Speed
+% attack speed                        swing1                min       max
+% attack speed                        swing2                min       max
+% attack speed                        swing3                min       max

+% chance to block                     block                 min       max
+% block speed                         block1                min       max
+% block speed                         block2                min       max
+% block speed                         block3                min       max

Cast Rating
+% cast speed                          cast1                 min       max
+% cast speed                          cast2                 min       max
+% cast speed                          cast3                 min       max

Hit Recovery
+% hit recovery speed                  balance1              min       max
+% hit recovery speed                  balance2              min       max
+% hit recovery speed                  balance3              min       max

Light Radius
+ to Light Radius                      light                 min       max Bugged (1.00) (if you equip too much of negative light radius items the game will attempt to draw a negative radius and crash)

Missile Modifiers
Fire Magic Arrows                      magicarrow            1/0       1/0
Fire Explosive Arrows                  explosivearrow        1/0       1/0

Treasure (Basic)
+% chance to find magic items          mag%                  min       max
+% increased gold drops                gold%                 min       max

Other Stuff
Altered Item Requirements              ease                  min       max
Chance to make enemies flee            howl                  min       max
Add X Sockets to an Item               sock        #sock     ---       ---
Makes any item throwable               throw                 1/0       1/0

Modifiers increasing per clvl (value/8)
+ X to AC per clvl                     ac/lvl         value     ---       ---
+ %X to AC per clvl                    ac%/lvl        value     ---       ---
+ to HP per clvl                       hp/lvl         value     ---       ---
+ to MANA per clvl                     mana/lvl       value     ---       ---
+ to Maximum damage per clvl           dmg/lvl        value     ---       ---
+ % to Maximum damage per clvl         dmg%/lvl       value     ---       ---
+ Dexterity per level                  dex/lvl        value     ---       ---
+ Strength per level                   str/lvl        value     ---       ---
+ Vitality per level                   vit/lvl        value     ---       ---
+ Energy per level                     enr/lvl        value     ---       ---
+ % AR per level                       att%/lvl       value     ---       ---
+ % res cold per level                 res-cold/lvl   value     ---       ---
+ % res fire per level                 res-fire/lvl   value     ---       ---
+ % res ltng per level                 res-ltng/lvl   value     ---       ---
+ % res pois per level                 res-pois/lvl   value     ---       ---
Attacker takes X damage per level      thorns/lvl     value     ---       ---
+% More Gold Per Level                 gold%/lvl      value     ---       ---
+% Magic Find Per Level                mag%/lvl       value     ---       ---
Absorb X Fire Damage per level         abs-fire/lvl   value     ---       ---
Absorb X Cold Damage per level         abs-cold/lvl   value     ---       ---
Absorb X Ltng Damage per level         abs-ltng/lvl   value     ---       ---
+ maximum cold damage per level        dmg-cold/lvl   value     ---       ---
+ maximum fire damage per level        dmg-fire/lvl   value     ---       ---
+ maximum ltng damage per level        dmg-ltng/lvl   value     ---       ---
+ maximum poison damage per level      dmg-pois/lvl   value     ---       ---
+ Kick damage per level                kick/lvl       value     ---       ---
+% damage to demons per level          dmg-dem/lvl    value     ---       --- Bugged ( 1.08) (too high values may cause a rollover that will make you deal less damage)
+% damage to undead per level          dmg-und/lvl    value     ---       --- Bugged ( 1.08) (too high values may cause a rollover that will make you deal less damage)
+ stamina per level                    stam/lvl       value     ---       ---
+% regenerate stamina per level        regen-stam/lvl value     ---       ---
+% open wounds per level               wounds/lvl     value     ---       ---
+% crushing blow per level             crush/lvl      value     ---       --- Bugged (1.07+) (displays as chance to make enemy flee per level)
+% deadly strike per level             deadly/lvl     value     ---       ---

Modifiers with static increase per clvl
+ Attack Rating per level              att/lvl      value     ---       ---
+ Attack Rating Against Undead per lvl att-und/lvl  value     ---       ---
+ Attack Rating Against Demons per lvl att-dem/lvl  value     ---       ---

Stats based on time (0=day, 1=dusk, 2=night, 3=dawn)
+ AC per time                          ac/time         #time     min       max
+ %AC per time                         ac%/time        #time     min       max
+ HP per time                          hp/time         #time     min       max
+ MANA per time                        mana/time       #time     min       max
+ Damage per time                      dmg/time        #time     min       max Bugged (1.07+) (uses maximum damage twice)
+ % Damage per time                    dmg%/time       #time     min       max
+ Strength per time                    str/time        #time     min       max
+ Dexterity per time                   dex/time        #time     min       max
+ Vitality per time                    vit/time        #time     min       max
+ Energy per time                      enr/time        #time     min       max
+ AR per time                          att/time        #time     min       max
+ % AR per time                        att%/time       #time     min       max Bugged (1.07+) (uses + instead of +%)
+ Max Cold Damage per time             dmg-cold/time   #time     min       max
+ Max Fire Damage per time             dmg-fire/time   #time     min       max
+ Max LTNG Damage per time             dmg-ltng/time   #time     min       max
+ Max Pois Damage per time             dmg-pois/time   #time     min       max
+ Cold Resist per time                 res-cold/time   #time     min       max
+ Fire Resist per time                 res-fire/time   #time     min       max
+ LTNG Resist per time                 res-ltng/time   #time     min       max
+ Pois Resist per time                 res-pois/time   #time     min       max
+ Cold Absorb per time                 abs-cold/time   #time     min       max
+ Fire Absorb per time                 abs-fire/time   #time     min       max
+ LTNG Absorb per time                 abs-ltng/time   #time     min       max
+ Pois Absorb per time                 abs-pois/time   #time     min       max Bugged (1.07+) (uses random strings)
+% more gold per time                  gold%/time      #time     min       max
+% magic find per time                 mag%/time       #time     min       max
+stamina per time                      stam/time       #time     min       max
+stamina regeneration per time         regen-stam/time #time     min       max
+% damage to demons per time           dmg-dem/time    #time     min       max
+% damage to undead per time           dmg-und/time    #time     min       max
+attack rating to demons per level     att-dem/time    #time     min       max
+attack rating to undead per level     att-und/time    #time     min       max
+%deadly strike per time               deadly/time     #time     min       max
+%crushing blow per time               crush/time      #time     min       max
+%open wounds per time                 wounds/time     #time     min       max
+kick damage per time                  kick/time       #time     min       max

Unused Codes (Never Implemented)
abs-pois/lvl = "Absorb Poison Damage Per Level"
color        = "Change the color of the chars light radius"
bloody       = "Monster bleeds more"
time         = "Magic Effect Duration"
herb         = "Increased Herb Duration"
gems%/lvl    = "More gems dropped per level"
passives     = "Gives the player passive skills"
gems%/time   = "more gems drop per time"
pierce-cold  = "ignore targets cold resistance"
pierce-fire  = "ignore tragets fire resistance"
pierce-ltng  = "ignore targets ltng resistance"
pierce-pois  = "ignore targets pois resistance"
dmg-mon      = "damage to specific monster"
dmg%-mon     = "% damage to a specific monster"
att-mon      = "AR to a specific monster"
att%-mon     = "AR% to a specific monster"
ac-mon       = "AC towards a specific monster"
ac%-mon      = "%AC towards a specific monster"
item%        = "better chance of getting X item type"
dmg-slash    = "+slash damage"
dmg-slash%   = "+% slash damage"
dmg-crush    = "+crushing damage"
dmg-crush%   = "+%crushing damage"
dmg-thrust   = "+thrust damage"
dmg-thrust%  = "+% thrust damage"
abs-slash    = "absorb slashing damage"
abs-crush    = "absorb crush damage"
abs-thrust   = "absorb thrust damage"
abs-slash%   = "%absorb slashing damage"
abs-crush%   = "%absorb crush damage"
abs-thrust%  = "%absorb thrust damage"
gembonus     = "% better chance to find gems"
regen-dur    = "regenerate #dur per second"
fire-fx      = "fire graphic overlay"
ltng-fx      = "ltng graphic overlay"
Last edited by Nefarius on Fri Mar 28, 2003 2:23 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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Re: noheal and freeze

Post by Kato » Thu Mar 27, 2003 10:41 pm

note FREEZE is no boolean indeed, its a percentage value 1-100% but blizzard capped it to 31 so you need to edit itemstatcost.txt

set it to 100% to make it work like the old pre-expansion ice blink :)

:?: So, in gems.txt, the Cham weapon attribute is Freeze-1-1. Does this mean that using the Cham rune on a weapon only bestows a 1% chance of inflicting Freeze? :roll:
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Re: noheal and freeze

Post by Nefarius » Thu Mar 27, 2003 10:52 pm

the exact effectivity is based on player level vs. target level (similar to what they did to chance to make monster flee), but the higher the percentage the lower the downgrade. hence 100% nullifies the downgrade. which wouldent even be possible in normal lod because of the 31% cap thru itemstatcost.txt. If you ever wondered why it shows +# freeze target in the game ratter then just "freeze target" as it used to, this is the reason. If you check out uniqueitems.txt you will see some of the rarer unique items actually had more then 1% in lod, but 2 or 3% isnt really alot eather.
Last edited by Nefarius on Thu Mar 27, 2003 10:55 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: noheal and freeze

Post by Ruvanal » Thu Mar 27, 2003 10:57 pm


You should recheck your sources on how the freeze modifier is being used. From mine and others at the Amazon Basin that have worked rather extensively with this, it is not a percentage value. If it was then tests with only an Ice Blink (freeze=1) would rarely have frozen anything. The various testing that was done matched what is described at Arreat Summit.
Hit Freezes Target
This bonus is pretty obvious. Items with Hit Freezes Target has a chance to Freeze Targets. Formulae:

The chance of freezing is 50 + (AL + (B*4) - DL) * 5
AL = attacker level
DL = defender level
B = freeze bonus from item (default is 1)

if it's ranged, the AL has a -6 penalty.
if it's ranged, the chance is divided by 3

freeze length = (chance - roll) * 2 + 25 frames
with a minimum length of 25 frames (1 second) and a maximum length of 250 frames (10 seconds)
With the effect working this way a max value of 31 should normally be more than enough for most players needs.

The "Chance to Blind Target" modifier works in a similar way and the formula is listed on the page.

Your note on poison damage not getting lowered in PvP does not match a check I did on this in the last couple of months for tommi. In it the poison rate was being reduced to exactly the expected values though numerous tests with one or more sources of poison. I expect that the claim that it is not reduced is because most players are clueless as to how to correctly calculate the amount of poison damage that multiple sources will end up causing. They usually think it will be much lower than it really is.

Reduce Poison Duration (res-pois-len) in not in frames. It is a percentage resistance in the same manner as fire resitance or cold resistance is. It only works against theplayers resistance to poison duration (poison restance only works against the rate not the duration). It is capped at 75% as the other resitance are and the nightmare and hell resistance penalties will also apply to characters resistance to poison duration. This is an undisplayed resistance in the game.

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Re: noheal and freeze

Post by Ruvanal » Thu Mar 27, 2003 11:08 pm

[quote=Nefarius";p="81678"]hence 100% nullifies the downgrade. which wouldent even be possible in normal lod because of the 31% cap thru itemstatcost.txt. [/quote]

Lets try the formula using a freeze=31, melee attack, attacker level 1 and defender level 98.
The chance of freezing is 50 + (AL + (B*4) - DL) * 5
chance = 50 + (1+(31*4)-98 )*5
= 50 + (1+124-98 )*5
= 50 + 27*5
=50+135 = 185% chance of freezing

You shouldn't even need anywhere near the max value in most cases from the looks of this.

Edit: $%@!@#$@$%% smiles
Last edited by Ruvanal on Thu Mar 27, 2003 11:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: noheal and freeze

Post by FoxBat » Thu Mar 27, 2003 11:10 pm

And I've changed this exact code area with the freeze chance, so I know it's not exactly a percent. Though maybe Nefarius is referring to it in that way as an expediant.

For some reason I recall posion length not displaying exactly the values that were entered in the text file. I might be wrong on that, there might be a cap or quantization, or something else altogether.

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Re: noheal and freeze

Post by Kato » Thu Mar 27, 2003 11:20 pm

[quote=Ruvanal";p="81685"][quote=Nefarius";p="81678"]hence 100% nullifies the downgrade. which wouldent even be possible in normal lod because of the 31% cap thru itemstatcost.txt. [/quote]

Lets try the formula using a freeze=31, melee attack, attacker level 1 and defender level 98.
The chance of freezing is 50 + (AL + (B*4) - DL) * 5
chance = 50 + (1+(31*4)-98 )*5
= 50 + (1+124-98 )*5
= 50 + 27*5
=50+135 = 185% chance of freezing

You shouldn't even need anywhere near the max value in most cases from the looks of this.

Edit: $%@!@#$@$%% smiles[/quote]

:P Ahhhhh . . . but in my Zy-El mod, characters and monsters can go to level 5000. So, a level 1 char using a freeze=31 melee attack on a level 5000 monster:

The chance of freezing is 50 + (AL + (B*4) - DL) * 5
chance = 50 + (1+(31*4)-5000 )*5
= 50 + (1+124-5000 )*5
= 50 + (-4875)*5
=50-24375 = -24325% chance of freezing

The attacker gets frozen instead!!! :P :P

:arrow: All kidding aside though, I guess that means 0% chance of freezing. However, knowing the way this forumla works does make me want to increase the max value for the Freeze parameter.
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Re: noheal and freeze

Post by Nefarius » Thu Mar 27, 2003 11:33 pm

@Ruvanal, I referred to pre 1.08 iceblink it was a solid 100% as the value was a boolean back then in the wonderful days of stabil 1.06, this is why many people used it on lance barbs back then because of the pretty unfair advantage it gave players over everything in the attack radius.
Just as a side note, when I speak about pre-lod I refer to 1.06, 1.08 for classic d2 was nothing else but the "bad lod features" in a preview, it was no longer "classic".

Under d2/lod circumstances the (unreachable) maximum of 31 is indeed enough, but as pointed out by kato, if you have very high level monsters this will become pretty obsolete.

Indeed, I only listed the poison damage bug because of those claims you will find on 99.99% of all existing d2 sites. Im going to remove this for now. Thought I know I will get atleast 200 emails saying its bugged in the neatr future... :-|

I didn't revise the resistance part totally yet. I know the reduced frames thing is incorrect, but I have nearly forgotten about this, thx for pointing this out.

@Kato, there must be a check in place that will set it to 0 if its smaller then 0, I dont think blizzard's coders would have done such a n00bish mistake.

/me takes out a chain saw and slices the topic into two :twisted:
Last edited by Nefarius on Thu Mar 27, 2003 11:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: noheal and freeze

Post by Kato » Thu Mar 27, 2003 11:38 pm

[quote=Nefarius";p="81698"] @Kato, there must be a check in place that will set it to 0 if its smaller then 0, I dont think blizzard's coders would have done such a n00bish mistake.

:-| I seriously hope you're not joking about this! :lol:
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Re: Updated Magic Modifier List

Post by Nefarius » Thu Mar 27, 2003 11:40 pm

Try to see what happens ;) It doesn't take so long to check this out, just to be sure. Any way -> list updated. mail filter is set to block every email containing "poison" and "bug" :P

EDIT: It shouldn't be so hard to fool the game to reset the freeze chance to 100% like in classic d2. one only needs to change it to be as the following:

chance = 50 + (1+(stat*4)-lvl )*5


chance = 100 + (1+(stat*4)+lvl )*5

This is not one of those close-to-impossible tasks.
Last edited by Nefarius on Thu Mar 27, 2003 11:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: noheal and freeze

Post by Kato » Thu Mar 27, 2003 11:48 pm

[quote=Kato";p="81701"][quote=Nefarius";p="81698"] @Kato, there must be a check in place that will set it to 0 if its smaller then 0, I dont think blizzard's coders would have done such a n00bish mistake.

:-| I seriously hope you're not joking about this! :lol:[/quote]

;) I wasn't referring to the Freeze parameter. I meant the part about blizzard coders making n00bish mistakes. :P
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Re: Updated Magic Modifier List

Post by Nefarius » Thu Mar 27, 2003 11:55 pm

I really dont think they would do such a lame mistake, but oops, havent they done something even lamer with reanimate ;)
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Re: Updated Magic Modifier List

Post by Ruvanal » Fri Mar 28, 2003 12:11 am

The calculated chance value is compared against a random roll (RND(100) I belive). With roll=RND(100) {range 0 to 99) and the test being If(roll<chance)... a negative chance would never succeed and not really be in need of a min cap on what the chance could end up being. This failure condition matchs what some of the AB posters noted in their test using some lower level charcters vs. higher level monsters. The point of complete failure was occuring at the correct points in the clvl-mlvl comparison. A similar result was note at the 100+% point if they didn't kill the targets outright.
@Ruvanal, I referred to pre 1.08 iceblink it was a solid 100% as the value was a boolean back then in the wonderful days of stabil 1.06, this is why many people used it on lance barbs back then because of the pretty unfair advantage it gave players over everything in the attack radius.
And I was refering to it would not be needed for most modders to raise the cap to achieve 100% results. Yes I am aware of mods like the Zy-El mod that are pushing for very high monster/player levels, but that does not seem to be norm for most of the modders that I have seen posting. And as such they would not need to mess around with this cap for the most part. If they wanted a gaureenteed freeze they could probably get by with a freeze=27 using a more standard range of clvl and mlvl.

For some reason I recall posion length not displaying exactly the values that were entered in the text file. I might be wrong on that, there might be a cap or quantization, or something else altogether.
The game will cap the total duration of poison damage on an item at 255 frames, even if it is derived from more than one mod on the item. I am guessing that this is what you may have run into. It was only when trying to push single item durations past 255 frames that I started getting screwy results (and realized what was happening behind the lying character screen). Your results in this area will also encounter problems if you are using an item that the game has not 'saved' yet (made in cube but not left your possession for the play session).

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Re: Updated Magic Modifier List

Post by jbouley » Fri Mar 28, 2003 12:25 am

So, I've been deluding myself all this time that att-skill works? You mean it's completely nonfunctional in all versions?

I could have sworn it was working...no time to test it tonight...Please tell me that's a typo and that I won't have to go back and fix those, thus delaying 2.21 of my mod by another week... :cry:
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Re: Updated Magic Modifier List

Post by Hammerman » Fri Mar 28, 2003 1:06 am

Just some minor nits.

Skill Charges: There are some more calculations involved if you use negative values or use 0 for some of the input fields. See my post here: viewtopic.php?t=8480&highlight=charges

Indestructible: only breaks if the item has any +durabilty on it. Don't know if it also applies to % increaesd dur.

+% damage vs Demons & undead: In 1.09, it is no longer bugged as you describe, it adds up to non-weapon %ed and stat bonus now.

knockback: It's a boolean, yes, but it has a different % chance to work vs. different sized monsters:

Vs. large (eLarge): 32/128
Vs. small (eSmall): 128/128
everyone else: 64/128

Not really important though.

reduce-ac: It only works similar to ignore targets defence IF the valuie is negative. The mod's effect is to reduce the targets defence to the % value, and therefor the defence will end up negative with items like Eth rune. Use positive values and it works as it should.

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Re: Updated Magic Modifier List

Post by kingpin » Fri Mar 28, 2003 2:13 am

jbouley";p="81712" wrote:So, I've been deluding myself all this time that att-skill works? You mean it's completely nonfunctional in all versions?

I could have sworn it was working...no time to test it tonight...Please tell me that's a typo and that I won't have to go back and fix those, thus delaying 2.21 of my mod by another week... :cry:
I think this is a typo. Since the last time i was working on att-skill items they worked in the way they should. I can re-check this when i have time with that ;)

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Re: Updated Magic Modifier List

Post by Ruvanal » Fri Mar 28, 2003 2:38 am

kingpin";p="81729" wrote:
jbouley";p="81712" wrote:So, I've been deluding myself all this time that att-skill works? You mean it's completely nonfunctional in all versions?

I could have sworn it was working...no time to test it tonight...Please tell me that's a typo and that I won't have to go back and fix those, thus delaying 2.21 of my mod by another week... :cry:
I think this is a typo. Since the last time i was working on att-skill items they worked in the way they should. I can re-check this when i have time with that ;)
Just tested it (v1.09b DLLs) and the att-skill was working with melee attacks for the skills I tested (frost nova and ice blast). Neither would work with ranged attacks. And most of the targets were too hard too hit very often normally, so it was going off just because the attack was initiated.

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Re: Updated Magic Modifier List

Post by Myhrginoc » Fri Mar 28, 2003 2:51 am

Another nit: for the per-level modifiers, the number in the Param field is the divisor, so a /lvl modifier increases 1 for every value levels attained. For value=8 as most are, that is a one point increase for every 8 character levels.
Hammerman" wrote:reduce-ac: It only works similar to ignore targets defence IF the valuie is negative. The mod's effect is to reduce the targets defence to the % value, and therefor the defence will end up negative with items like Eth rune. Use positive values and it works as it should.
Heck, if it worked as it should you would get (mon-ac)*(100%—reduce-ac). As it is now, it gives you (mon-ac)*(reduce-ac), and if you stack it, you are lessening its effect (unless you are stacking Eth runes). I believe the "ITD effect" of Eth works on bosses, since it isn't really ITD code being used.
Last edited by Myhrginoc on Fri Mar 28, 2003 2:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Updated Magic Modifier List

Post by Isolde » Fri Mar 28, 2003 2:56 am

I really dont think they would do such a lame mistake, but oops, havent they done something even lamer with reanimate
I should point out that calling reanimate bugged is a stretch: it would only be bugged if there were actually items that dropped with the reanimate property. (i guess i should mention i didn't work on it myself, so i'm not being defensive here).

Getting something like reanimate to work properly isn't exactly trivial. it absolutely has to be cast when you kill the monster (and hence the victim's in mode DT), but then it must somehow trigger an effect on the monster when it reaches DD several frames later. that being said, it isn't terribly hard to fix either.

Anyway, d2 has plenty of n00b mistakes, but i wouldn't call reanimate one of them. dumb mistakes would be the idiotic star-shaped circles or the off-by-one error in item mod calculation. point being that whoever it is that worked on reanimate probably knew why it didn't work but decided to work on something else instead as being more worthwhile.

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Re: Updated Magic Modifier List

Post by jbouley » Fri Mar 28, 2003 3:18 am

Even if you were responsible for some of the more egregious bugs, I'd be more than happy to forgive you for all the help you've been around these parts and on behalf of modders. ;) Plenty of love (platonic, of course) to go around for Isolde in these parts. :OOO:
Just tested it (v1.09b DLLs) and the att-skill was working with melee attacks for the skills I tested (frost nova and ice blast). Neither would work with ranged attacks. And most of the targets were too hard too hit very often normally, so it was going off just because the attack was initiated.
Phew! Thank goodness. Too bad about the lack of use on ranged weapons...I knew that wasn't working right, and it's too bad because I had so many plans for fireball bows and lightning bows and things like that. :(
Last edited by jbouley on Fri Mar 28, 2003 3:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Updated Magic Modifier List

Post by kingpin » Fri Mar 28, 2003 3:44 am

Isolde";p="81737 wrote: Getting something like reanimate to work properly isn't exactly trivial. it absolutely has to be cast when you kill the monster (and hence the victim's in mode DT), but then it must somehow trigger an effect on the monster when it reaches DD several frames later. that being said, it isn't terribly hard to fix either.

Anyway, d2 has plenty of n00b mistakes, but i wouldn't call reanimate one of them. dumb mistakes would be the idiotic star-shaped circles or the off-by-one error in item mod calculation. point being that whoever it is that worked on reanimate probably knew why it didn't work but decided to work on something else instead as being more worthwhile.
Everyone makes misstakes. If you guys haven't done this game, we wouldn't have so much fun that we have ;)

It's always easy to call all unfinished things for misstakes. Since reanimate is not used by diablo. It's hard to call its a misstake at all.
Just tested it (v1.09b DLLs) and the att-skill was working with melee attacks for the skills I tested (frost nova and ice blast). Neither would work with ranged attacks. And most of the targets were too hard too hit very often normally, so it was going off just because the attack was initiated.
Good too know that this works. Good also too know about range attack, i haven't used this on range attack so this is not a problem. But could if i had tried that.

EDIT: Since reanimate is cast during DT. Shouldn't this be easy to change it so it cast during DD? (if it's easy please give the adress for this someone).
Last edited by kingpin on Fri Mar 28, 2003 6:13 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Updated Magic Modifier List

Post by Brother Laz » Fri Mar 28, 2003 10:53 am

@ Kingpin: nope, not that easy. Corpses aren't targetable when the enemy is still in DT, and you can't make hit-skills have delayed effects. :/

@ Isolde: every programmer makes mistakes. The QA and the open beta test are there to catch them. Seems like neither the QA nor the damn 5,000 beta testers noticed that blade shield interrupted other attacks, or have even used blades of ice or lightning strike at all. If over 5K people did not notice that in weeks of play, then the programmer is really not to blame. :)

@ Hammerman: but it is not a boolean in missiles.txt, right?
Last edited by Brother Laz on Fri Mar 28, 2003 10:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Updated Magic Modifier List

Post by Nefarius » Fri Mar 28, 2003 2:12 pm

in missiles.txt is 0-100%.
I fixed the reanimate thingy by making it use other skills such as summoning flying reapers for fun. But even that is bugged :P it knocks the summons into DT mode until they get unloaded and reloaded, I actually had MOVING DDs! :P. In XyRAX I hijacked this modifier for the chance to trap yourself modifier.

Updated it
If some one wants to download the list for offline use and doesnt want to copy past alot -> http://tswto.d2mods.com/txt/MCMS.txt

Im turning this into a sticky if no one has any objections.
Last edited by Nefarius on Fri Mar 28, 2003 2:45 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Updated Magic Modifier List

Post by Perfect Cell » Mon Apr 14, 2003 3:03 am

Thought I'd put in my feedback on the rep-dur and rep-quant mods. They don't appear to work exactly as you stated them in the list. rep-dur seems to replenish the durability by 1 for every 100 / X seconds. I don't think it can go any higher than 3 seconds due to the cap in itemstatcost.txt (2^5 = 32 -> 100/32 ~ 3 seconds).
After playing around with rep-quant a bit, it seems to work pretty much the same.

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Re: Updated Magic Modifier List

Post by Nefarius » Mon Apr 14, 2003 3:10 am

IIRC it can be anything between 1-100 seconds, with 1 being 100 and 100 being 0, this is atleast what my testing resulted at. Thought ill include this additional data in the next update to the list. (when 1.10 is out probably)

Thx for the headsup.
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