[1.10]Tutorial:Creating new summonable monsters

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[1.10]Tutorial:Creating new summonable monsters

Post by thulsadoom » Wed Jul 30, 2003 5:33 am

This is my first tutorial so please be kind.
First are the .txt files we will be using.

The first thing i did was open up Pettype.txt to create your new pet.
Now create a new line and name your pet. Lets use earthelemental for now. Remember the name or write it down as skills.txt column 'pettype' needs the name not the idx.
Next change the idx to the next sequential number in the list, and as long you dont want to put any restriction on what can be summoned along with this creature, leave the group column empty. Otherwise put the same group number in this field as the group number of the monster you would like to restrict from being summoned with this one.
Base max: not sure what it does but all my summons have this column set to 0.
Set warp to 1, i beleive this allows the creature to 'follow' you when you get too far away.
Range: again, not sure, but it might allow you pets to attack from a distance. have to test that. its been tested and i could not get it to work.
Next, set partysend, unsummon, and automap columns to 1.
In the name column put the name of the string to be used in patchstring. this particular one determines the name you see at the top of the screen over the pet icon.
drawhp set to 1 puts the life bar on the afforementioned icon.
icontype: as per vendanna 1 is just an icon, while 2 will display the icon and the number of pets. so if you only spit out one of these, use1. for multiples use 2.
baseicon is the name of the icon that will be placed at the top of the screen when you have summoned the creature.
i believe the mclass1, 2 and 3 and the micon1, 2 and 3 columns are all used to set multiple types of monsters as the same pettype. Use the id from monstats (i think) for mclass and icon names for micon. These appear at top of screen when they are summoned.
Make sure there is a 0 in eol field and save pettype.txt.

Next, open up states.txt. In this file i will show how to change the color of a creature so that they are easily recognized.
Copy any of the lines to the bottom in a new row, i dont think it really matters, but you could find a state with little text in its fields, because the only thing i used was the colorpri and colorshift columns. But first, name the state and set the id to the next sequential number in the list. You'll need this number in the next .txt file.
In colorpri, put a high number. i used 70. This dictates which states have priority over others. If you had a state with a colorpri over 70 it would appear and not this one. if it was below 70 then this would remain. this i thinks is only if both states are enacted at the same time.
Next set light-r, light-g and light-b to 255.
Colorshift: Paul Siramy has links at this thread to some excellent displays of the shades that colorshift will give you. CLICK HERE! just use the number of the pic in his link that gives the color you want, and put it in the colorshift column
Once you have the color you want set, make sure there is a 0 in eol and save states.txt. Just for the record Acromatic Aria informed me of this color changing procedure.

Next, open monprop.txt.
Create a new row at the bottom and name it. Use earthelemental just to make things easy. Youll need the name. Next, you will notice the prop, chance, par, and min and max columns. To have a state in your monprop:
Prop: state
Par: enter the state # from states.txt.
Set min and max to 1.
Make sure you do this for normal, nightmare and hell difficulties.
monprop is also used to give your summons abilities. as per kingpin...
prop chance par min max
crush 100 0 100 100
this will give your summons 100% chance of crushing blow. thanks kingpin! ;)
Make sure there is a 0 in eol and save monprop.txt.

Open monstats.txt.
Create a new row at the bottom. Find the monster you would like to use. Lets use thornhulk1 and copy to the new row. Change the id to earthelemental and set the hcldx to the next sequential number in the list.
I left the baseid as it was and deleted the nextinclass. all my summons have translvl of 0 so i put this to that too. according to vendanna this field determines what skins are used for specific types. still not exactly sure how to modify this field so will have to test.
NameStr is the name that will appear at the top with a life bar if you 'hover' over the summoned creature. put 'myminion' in that field.
Put earthelemental in MonStatsEx. this is the name of your monstats2 line that you will make in a bit.
In the monprop field, enter the name of the monprop entry(earthelemental) you created with the color state.
I left the montype field alone.
For AI, i use the NecroPet which seems to work well enough for physical combat, but i have yet to find an AI that allows my summons to use ranged attacks. At best my 'archers' would run up to their targets and fire their bows. :(
Pretty sure code is the token and enabled column should already have a 1 in it.
Set the mingrp and maxgrp to 1's.
You can increase the velocity and run values as you see fit, but Vendanna has posted that if you are not using an ai with a run animation, the run/walk should be kept the same or i think the creature 'disappears' for a bit. its happened to me before i just had no idea what was causing it. Thanks Vendanna!
all my summons rarity is set to 0. Delete the level values. leave the sounds, unless you want to change them, and move past all those numbers. i didnt touch em. Put a 1 in align, intown, opendoors, nevercount.
Next are a lot of statistical fields that you can set to whatever you want, resistances and hp, drain and cold effects. ac, and crit, which is your chance of critical hit. A little further down you can add elemental types if you so choose. I also deleted all the treasureclasses.
Make sure there is a 0 in eol and save monstats.txt.

Open monstats2.txt
Simply take the thornhulk1 line and copy it to the bottom in a new row, and change the name to earthelemental. I didnt make any other changes, and im not sure if this step is neccessary but my skills didnt work without doing it. (they casted nothing) Save monstats2.txt.

Open skills.txt.
Create a new line at the bottom. Find a summoning skill to copy into it. I used the druid's bear. Change the name to earthelemental and set id to next sequential number. should already be a dru in class if u used the bear. Put earthelemental in skilldesc, that is the name of the skilldesc row this skill will use. I left tha srvdofunc column at 119 and left everything else empty until the passivestat1 column.
There are a variety of effects and calculations you could use in these passivestat and passive calc fields. I will use a simple one. Im going to give the earthelemental enhanced damage 25% + 5% per level.
In passivestat1 put damagepercent. put ln12 in passivecalc1. that is a simple expression meaning parameter1 + (lvl * parameter2). that is all i will add now but you could add a few more if you wanted to.
Set summon and pettype to earthelemental.
Petmax can be done a few ways. I think just a straight number will work, as will other calc's, but i use "min(lvl,par3)". This will give you a max of what you set in par3 and will give you 1 extra for every level you put into it. For example, i set that to "min(lvl,par3)" and put a 5 in par 3. I can summon 1 at skill lvl 1, 2 at lvl 2, up to 5 at lvl 5, where it will cap.(not the skill level).
You can somehow enter skills for your summons in the next few tabs but i havent got any of that to work yet.
Now find the column stsound. its about a third of the way down. set that to druid_summon. put enhanceable at 1 and attackrank at 0, like the other summons that i see.
For reqlvl put 1 for testing purposes, and delete reqskills. set mana column to 5, again for testing purposes.
A little ways down is a field called calc1 with a desc column followed by calc2 and another desc. I cant really figure these out but im theorizing that for a summons creature the first calc is for a life modifier of some kind.
Calc2 put ulvl. this is for pets. if you want to use a calculation somewhere based on the level of your pet skill, use the factor ulvl, not lvl. i left calc3 and 4 empty. Feel free to expand on these calc fields if anyone knows what they are for. i thought also that perhaps they were for calculating the passives you get from synnergies, but not sure about that either.
In param1 put 25 and param 2 put 5. (25 +5/lvl)
Param 3 put 5. remember that is the total number of summons you can cast. this gives you 5 at fifth level.
I didnt give them any more bonuses so that should be it for params. You can set the tohit and tohit/lvl to whatever you want, as well as the damages. i put the min at 30 and the max at 50, with lvl's 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 for minlv1-5 and maxlvl1-5. Add any elemental damages you want. The .txt file Elem Type has all of them ithink and what code to use. Just remember, any and all abilities or bonuses or elemental effects you add in this file will only be displayed by properly editing skilldesc. By looking at some of the other formats used for other skills you can somewhat catch on to what StrSkill #'s to use but a lot of times i just used my own personal string entry to display the effect.
Make sure there is a 0 in eol and save skills.txt

Open skilldesc.txt and create a new line at the bottom. i didnt copy anything into it for this last part. name it earthelemental and set it to the page you want. Im putting it on the summoning page, which is 1. Skillrow 1 and skill column 1. this puts it at the top left corner of the page.
Set listrow to 1, listpool to 0 and iconcell is the icon the skill will use. i used 58.
For str name and short and long and alt I used the string names earth, earth1, earth2, earth3 respectively and left StrSkill3 in. It displays 'mana cost:'.
Go over to descline1. Put a 2 there. this tells the game to use "textfielda" + calculation "textfieldb".
In Desctxta put StrSkill4 "Enhanced Damage:"
In Desctxtb put SrSkill23 "percent"
In Desccalca put ln12 to match the formula used in skills.txt.
This will display the enhanced damage percentage.
Now go to the Descline6. these description fields go in reverse, so this is like going to the top.
Descline6: 5
Desctexta: earthys (a string you will create)
Desccalca: "min(lvl,par3)" -matches formula used in skills.txt.

Descline5: 13 (tells game to display the life of the creature i think)
No text or calcs are needed for this i beleive.

Descline4: 9 (this displays the creature's damage)
Desccalca: ln12
Im not sure but i think that will add the percentage to the damage display of the summons.
The Desc2lines are for non level specific abilities, of which the earthelemental has none and the desc3lines are for synnergies which he has none. But those two desc sections are the same as the first. If you look enough at the other entries in skilldesc you could find existing strings to display what u need, or you can just create your own strings.
lastly, make sure eol has a 0 in it and save skilldesc.txt.

As an afterthought, these are the strings you would have to make for the above example.
myminion: An ally of the druid
earth: Earth Elemental
earth1: Being from the elemental planes
earth2: Summons an elemental being to aid you in combat.
earth3: Earth Elemental
earthys: Elementals:
That should do it. Start up the game, gain a few levels and put some points in to check em out.
Please feel free to correct any mistakes i may have made, hopefully there arent that many. thanks to the keep's forums and hope this helps somebody.

EDIT: Fixed typos, dumb wording, a little spacing.
EDIT: Updated with info from your posts.
Last edited by thulsadoom on Thu Jul 31, 2003 1:34 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: [1.10]Tutorial:Creating new summonable monsters

Post by Joel » Wed Jul 30, 2003 8:43 am

Hmmm just a note :
min takes two parameters :
min(a,b) = a if a <b or b if b<a.

So min(lvl*par3) is non sensical, lvl*par3 is enough.
However such things like :
min( 3, 3+(lvl-5) ) is a more correct way to use min

Well, beside that , great job :D
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Re: [1.10]Tutorial:Creating new summonable monsters

Post by Vendanna » Wed Jul 30, 2003 10:48 am

good, good guide.

I did near the same while testing and yup the skill works perfectly (I love my pets :p)

now, let's see if I can give a bit of help with the guide.

let's see... from pettypes.txt

basemax: I didn't experiment with it, so I can't tell what it does.
Range: this is suppose to make the pet be a ranged type, but my pets ignore that and attack in melee, maybe if the pet cannot move...

icontype: I know that the number indicate functions, as example I know that the number 1 will only show one (no numbers on the icon, like in the valk and golem as example) pet, while if you want to have multiple pets and show the number of them at the same time you should put here 2.

this maybe can be the problem one had that the 8 pets died at once when one of them died, I will do a test later.

on States.txt

the colorpriority appears on the states.txt fileguide (that you should read before make guides to clear things out, and is a good guide) the lower the number you put in that field, less priority will have your state color respect with others.

as example, Poison had 95 while Frozen had 100, this indicates that if you suffer both states at the same time, the game will put as visible the frozen color inestead of the poison (but you will have both on you)

Monprop.txt? what does this file? I don't used it with my summon skills and maybe I missed something important :oops:

monstats.txt, don't worry I had the same problems with the ranged creatures and mages.

as you can see, the necroskeleton had the same AI (the NecroPet one) and this probably its because the AI for ranged attackers (player friendly) are hardcoded on that especific row :( so I tought on a little trick that it may work or not, need testing.

my idea to make ranged type is the following, give the monster a high range (so the monster will attack you from a big distance as the game lag) and give them 0 attack rating (so he will miss always) then, assign a missile to be thrown that autohits (as example magic attacks)

so if my idea works the necro mage will attack, miss you (but launch a magical missile) and when the missile hits the target it gets damaged :)

the above one will be tested in a few hours and post the results here.

note, the move/run should be the same number if the summoned creature (no summon fenris AI) doesn't have a run animation (example quillrat) the Fenris AI will make they use the Run animation when walking as I saw during my tests :-|

now, the teleport 2 you added to all your summons... they don't need it, the warp field on pettype.txt will make them appear near you without that skill you added.

monstats2.txt as joel mentioned earlier doesn't needed to be touched unless you do a drastical change (as example give your new monster different light radius or it had a new animation the old doesn't have)

so in the case of your earthelemental, if you put in the MonStatsEx field the thornhulk (don't remember name) you used inestead of the earth elemental it should work too.

now on skills.txt, that txt is too huge to me to suggest things since I don't know how it works totally (but at least know what I'm doing)

there is one thing that I can rememeber that should be mentioned.

the summode fiel indicate how the summon will do when summoned.

as example, the Bear had S1 selected (because the bear token had the Summon animation), now for summon things like quillrats that doesn't have the S1 animation I suggest tu use the NU one and put a nice summon overlay (example the dopplezon appear)

the attackrank... try it with the archers skeletons, maybe this will make them attack from affar (I will test this also)

well, I will go to test those things and see if I can manage to get a ranged attacker monster.
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Re: [1.10]Tutorial:Creating new summonable monsters

Post by kingpin » Wed Jul 30, 2003 11:20 am

Monprop.txt is used to give monsters abilities. It's a really great file ;)

You can example give you pets/monsters this:

chance1 par1 min1 max1
crush 100 0 100 100

This gives your 100% chance to hit with a crushing blow.

Othervise its a good tutorial.

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Re: [1.10]Tutorial:Creating new summonable monsters

Post by Vendanna » Wed Jul 30, 2003 3:19 pm

well, 3 hours intensive testing.

Vendanna Reporting, don't managed to get the stupid archers as I would like, but at least managed to get something.

as far as I can remember, adding the DisAI (that only meph had it) to 100% and using the NecroPet AI (4 param in 500 the rest in 10) I managed to get the following.

a Skeleton Archer that moves to the nearest target, go to melee range (sgrunt!) :x and shoot his bow to the monster.

BUT then, after he killed it, he stand in that place and shoot to the monster in range.

of course, if you add the 0 movement, then he is like a turret.

nothing more, I didn't managed it to work as the rogue, maybe some day we will have acces to create new AI then we will be able to do as we wish without hurting our brains in the process :cry:

well, at least the tests gived me an idea for a skill... :roll:

so the only way I managed to get a (can't be hurted) & doesn't move archer is using the Hydra skill =/

EDIT: I almost forgot, in monstats.txt the translvl is to change the SKINS a specific type had.

as example the Archer skeleton from act 1, had the translvl 0, but if you change it to 3, you will summon him with the skin of the burningdead and the 4 as example is the horror one (but with the normal stats.

hope this helped you.
Last edited by Vendanna on Wed Jul 30, 2003 3:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [1.10]Tutorial:Creating new summonable monsters

Post by thulsadoom » Thu Jul 31, 2003 12:00 am

first off i would like to say thanks for the feedback. theres quite a bit i dont know about some of those text files so anything anyone could add is awesome!
i guess ill start at the top.
that is a typo i will edit and fix. the proper calc i was using was "min(lvl,par3)". im not an expert on these formulas but hopefully that clears up what i was doing there. i took that from the wolves lines.
also i did read the fileguides. i just couldnt remember if the colorpri field did one or the other. i pretty much had the idea though.
what i am using monprop for, thanks to Acromatic Aria, is creating a property that has a color altering state as its property. giving this property to the monster changes its color. please, if there is a simplier way to change its color, i would be extatic to know.
ranged creatures: i originally had two summons i made for ranged attacking and have completely given up on it. all my summons are melee.
thank you for the info on that teleport ability. i thought perhaps it was useless to give my beasts but wasnt sure.
about monstats2.txt...i read elsewhere that it wasnt neccessary as well, but before i made entries NONE of my summons worked. it is possible something else was hindering me and i will heed the words of the modding elite.
Now, my question is this. Should i try to update this tutorial so that maybe it will be used by the keep or it useless because this is only a beta?
thanks again for the feedback.
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Re: [1.10]Tutorial:Creating new summonable monsters

Post by kingpin » Thu Jul 31, 2003 12:50 am

Its always interesting with new tutorials, even that its still a beta. You can see that there are already 1.10 beta tutorials and fileguides up at keep.

So, update your tutorial ;)

About monstats2.txt. If you add a new entry in monstats.txt you need to add this entry to monstats2.txt also othervise you will get invisible monsters.

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Re: [1.10]Tutorial:Creating new summonable monsters

Post by jbouley » Thu Jul 31, 2003 4:38 am


E-mail a copy of your tutorial with the corrections and all, and I'll get it worked into an official tutorial to put on the Keep (hey, you might as well get whatever passes for fame around here ;)).

I would just copy-paste your post, but I wasn't sure if you had made the corrections yet and I don't really have time to compare-contrast with the other posts in this thread right now.
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Re: [1.10]Tutorial:Creating new summonable monsters

Post by Vendanna » Thu Jul 31, 2003 11:44 am

well, for the state that change the color I do it with the skills.txt inestead of the monprop.txt

do you remember that in monstats.txt there is a aurastate followed by auratargetstate.

the aurastate column indicates what state had the skill (if is a summon skill what state will have as aura the pet) while the other indicates the state tha target of the skill will get.

as example of this is the Holy Freeze aura, that gives you the state Holywind (aka the overlay of the aura, etc...) and give the monsters near the AuraTargetState (HolyWindFreeze I think) that makes them move slower.

so, if you make a new state called Changecolor, and put that state on the aurastate field in skills.txt it should appear on your creature.

of course, the monprop can be used to allow this field for other state (so it can have various states if needed)

and lastly I will try again to get a ranger critter, I know I'm stoopid but I can't resist :mrgreen:

Edit: my idea is use the states to get it work.

Joel, really nice idea the best I managed to get with my poor skills was a BlazingSpecter that did manasteal and fire.

Edit2: well, it didn't worked as I expected.

but I will post the idea, maybe one managed to get it to work and post it.

my idea was cloning the "Conversion State" in a new row and add the aura function.

then in a summon skill, you add the aurastate (the new conversion aura) so all the summoned creatures will get converted for a infinite time (since we didn't added a duration)

sadly, I managed to get my nice Archer Skeleton, but they didn't walk and acted as turrets =/

well, this was my second try, I will try another 2 times more before resign :(
Last edited by Vendanna on Thu Jul 31, 2003 1:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [1.10]Tutorial:Creating new summonable monsters

Post by Joel » Thu Jul 31, 2003 11:47 am

Using monequip you can also give your pet nasty powers.
My Pyroclasm summon (fire elemntal pet of the Shalafi) is basically a fire golem with some fade eefect and %age chance to cast Fireball, Meteor or even Firewall when hit or on strike.

Just create an handful of item that can't spawn anywhere with the automagic of your choice and equip the monster with it :D
You can even make them lvl based and give a different state per level.
that how I make my raise Undead skills raise skeleton till slvl 5 then zombie then mummy then giant skeleton :D
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Re: [1.10]Tutorial:Creating new summonable monsters

Post by kingpin » Thu Jul 31, 2003 12:35 pm

You need to write a tutorial how to use monequip, either i or char can get this to work ;/

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Re: [1.10]Tutorial:Creating new summonable monsters

Post by Acromatic Aria » Thu Jul 31, 2003 10:57 pm

my idea was cloning the "Conversion State" in a new row and add the aura function.

then in a summon skill, you add the aurastate (the new conversion aura) so all the summoned creatures will get converted for a infinite time (since we didn't added a duration)
I don't think the conversion state alone can "convert" monsters. From looking at its entry in states.txt, it looks like little more than a state to display overlays and give a character experience when the conversion skill takes effect (and to define a state for the converted monster to remain in while the skill is working).

I tried once to turn the conversion skill into an aura, make it self inflicted and give it to monsters through monprop.txt (part of a long but unsuccessful experiment to get monsters to attack allies that were randomly spawned), but that just crashed the game :( .

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Re: [1.10]Tutorial:Creating new summonable monsters

Post by thulsadoom » Thu Jul 31, 2003 11:59 pm

yes. monequip is my goal this night. it may a take awhile, and i searched the fileguide thread last night but didnt find much. is there a fileguide in there for monequip? :?:

EDIT: nevermind. i found the thread.
Last edited by thulsadoom on Fri Aug 01, 2003 12:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [1.10]Tutorial:Creating new summonable monsters

Post by Vendanna » Fri Aug 01, 2003 12:15 am

to thulsadoom: Joel did a thread as a guide to give equipment to summoned creatures.

in that thread also explains how the monequip.txt works ^0^

and for the Conversion thing, in states.txt you can only see the overlay, but it worked making the monsters be aligned with me :P

but as I said its bugged.

also, note that I also did a nice experiment this day, and tried to use the decrepify skill and changed the state to conversion and deleted the normal stuff (so only allowing the missile to convert the monsters)

when I tried it on my character, it worked (convert the monsters for a time as it should be) but when I assigned it to a summoned criature I found that it didn't worked too well)

aka, the monsters where converted but the criature that converted them attacked them until he killed them all >_>

well, I finally decided to resign in that task, and wish for a pet with ranged attack AI in a future 1.10 release (we can dream, no? ;))

so I decided Confusion does the work very nicely and also had a better overlay.

last but not least you can assign a lot of modes with the monprop, and monequip.

so Imagine a Final boss (with the monuniquemods) that also had items that allow him to cast skills on attack or hit and had other properties from monprop.

a really powerful monster if you ask me :)
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Re: [1.10]Tutorial:Creating new summonable monsters

Post by Acromatic Aria » Fri Aug 01, 2003 1:29 am

I just tried that test with Decrepify (change its state to conversion and remove all its other effects). All I got was the conversion overlay appearing over the monsters' heads. They still attacked me and not each other :( I did this experiment both with and without the aura flag set in states.txt.

When you said "add the aura function", were you talking about something other than just setting the aura flag?

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Re: [1.10]Tutorial:Creating new summonable monsters

Post by Vendanna » Fri Aug 01, 2003 1:15 pm

[quote=Acromatic Aria";p="118546"]I just tried that test with Decrepify (change its state to conversion and remove all its other effects). All I got was the conversion overlay appearing over the monsters' heads. They still attacked me and not each other :( I did this experiment both with and without the aura flag set in states.txt.

When you said "add the aura function", were you talking about something other than just setting the aura flag?[/quote]

yeah, but I did a mistake, I didn't get it to work with the Decrepify skill, sorry for the confusion :oops: the thing I tried is making it work but failed.

the only thing I managed to get was using it as an aura, then it works but the monsters doesn't walk (and only with ranged attackers)

nothing to report, I will continue making skills because I need to do +210 and only have time to make 2 per day ^^U (and then redo all the itemtypes, etc.. augh!)
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Re: [1.10]Tutorial:Creating new summonable monsters

Post by Whiskey » Fri Sep 26, 2003 7:29 pm

[quote=Vendanna";p="118103"]well, 3 hours intensive testing.

as far as I can remember, adding the DisAI (that only meph had it) to 100% and using the NecroPet AI (4 param in 500 the rest in 10) I managed to get the following.

a Skeleton Archer that moves to the nearest target, go to melee range (sgrunt!) :x and shoot his bow to the monster.

BUT then, after he killed it, he stand in that place and shoot to the monster in range.

of course, if you add the 0 movement, then he is like a turret.

nothing more, I didn't managed it to work as the rogue, maybe some day we will have acces to create new AI then we will be able to do as we wish without hurting our brains in the process :cry:

i want to try to do something like a ranged summonable Monster,
In which File the DisAi is?

Have someone a example?

Pleas help me....
can someone pleas make an example ?

Last edited by Whiskey on Fri Sep 26, 2003 7:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [1.10]Tutorial:Creating new summonable monsters

Post by adamantine » Fri Sep 26, 2003 8:05 pm

[quote=Joel";p="118353"]Using monequip you can also give your pet nasty powers.

Just create an handful of item that can't spawn anywhere with the automagic of your choice and equip the monster with it :D
You can even make them lvl based and give a different state per level.

i didn't notice that post before, that's a great way to give monsters skills! it works the same as hirelings, except that +skills don't work...or can you temporarily/with items increase their level(ulvl)? anyway you could use that(ulvl) as a stat on the skill for increasing damage, no need to give them different items per level!

anyway, i want to give my open wounds inflicting blood golem zeal so he doesn't OW the same monster over and over, but that wouldn't be possible with on-hit skills. would there be a way to make pets switch targets randomly? otherwise i'll have to use an aura for him.


btw, for the ones that haven't read the skelly archer thread: changing the meleerng to 40(like what range the missile you want to emulate in missilex.txt has) in monstats2 will make them attack from a distance. not run away from melee monsters, but it's pretty good. this also means they'll never miss(but won't be able to get piercing missiles), which is a nice perk.

if you wanted to make some "sniper" monsters, then replacing the hit sound would make it seem just like they were using insta-hit weapons ;)
Last edited by adamantine on Fri Sep 26, 2003 11:59 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: [1.10]Tutorial:Creating new summonable monsters

Post by Jackaljm » Fri Sep 26, 2003 9:45 pm

I know you guys have probly done many things to get ranged monsters to work... but have you considered using the AI (or at least adapting it) from the Rogue Hireling? I think it's called 'GoodNpcRanged'.

This monster summons has potential. I'm thinking of ways that I can create monster summon charms with limited charges (unreparable - ethereal like).

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Re: [1.10]Tutorial:Creating new summonable monsters

Post by Whiskey » Fri Sep 26, 2003 11:15 pm

[quote=Jackaljm";p="129918"]I know you guys have probly done many things to get ranged monsters to work... but have you considered using the AI (or at least adapting it) from the Rogue Hireling? I think it's called 'GoodNpcRanged'.

This monster summons has potential. I'm thinking of ways that I can create monster summon charms with limited charges (unreparable - ethereal like).[/quote]

i tested this ai a ew hours ago, the npc will attack, but not follow/move (you)... and the ai of all hirelins is hireable but it is only a link to a hardcoded ai i think.....

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Re: [1.10]Tutorial:Creating new summonable monsters

Post by adamantine » Sat Sep 27, 2003 12:08 am

it's not a great fix, but make a copy of teleport that moves you ~2 tiles. then you could move them around that way.

> wait, that doesn't work :( the teleport missile is hard-coded to the teleport skill(it's not mentioned in skills.txt), so changing the range for teleport(or the new skill) changes nothing.

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Re: [1.10]Tutorial:Creating new summonable monsters

Post by Vendanna » Sat Sep 27, 2003 12:10 am

[quote=Whiskey";p="129933"]I tested this ai a ew hours ago, the npc will attack, but not follow/move (you)... and the ai of all hirelins is hireable but it is only a link to a hardcoded ai i think.....[/quote]

I tested it a looong time ago when the first 1.10 beta came to the forums and didn't worked.

the Hireable AI is hardcoded the same way as the necropet one.

your archers will shoot with the Revive skill row since that skill is one of the Hardcoded lines where the Necropet AI works.

well, at least I hope you enjoyed your tests with summonable creatures.

note: charges from summons on charms? do you know that if you move the charm you loose the skill no matter how many charms with the same skill you have? it also can be very strange looking on the game since you can't have more than 12 different skills on each line on the lowest resolution.

so the best way can be use the "OSkill" that also will level for each charm of the same type and will occup only one space on the icons selection.
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Post by Whiskey » Sat Sep 27, 2003 1:33 am


YEAH, after hours of testing and working i finally get it working, with little restrictions but it works, i have made my own RANGED summonable monster(Not really...... :roll: ) :lol:

The NecroPet AI works so long as you dont change the summon, you can change the Pettype and you CAN change the Necromage as much as yyou want --> you can make total different summonable monsters based on the "Necromage" Monstats Entry.

Maybe, if someone want, i will write a Tutorial about this.... ;)

a very tired

PS: Here the Screenshots:

I will upload some more, if someone want......
Last edited by Whiskey on Sat Sep 27, 2003 1:44 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Yeah

Post by adamantine » Sat Sep 27, 2003 3:42 am

but does it work if you clone the necromage?

note: charges from summons on charms? do you know that if you move the charm you loose the skill no matter how many charms with the same skill you have?
well from AFW mod you get another skill(i had like 4 prayer icons) for oskill item. so each summon would be related to that particular charm. do you mean lose the summon when you move the charm(away from inventory?). i noticed that pets dissapear after a few seconds that you haven't had +skills on, so it should be the same for charms, but not directly.

hmm, or i'm not sure. maybe i'll play that again(i'll probably destroy something because of the crash bug annoyance) and try to get 2 summon skelly/golem charms. i'm wondering if you could summon for both charms, ie have 2+ golems for each new charm.
Last edited by adamantine on Sat Sep 27, 2003 3:49 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Yeah

Post by Whiskey » Sat Sep 27, 2003 9:38 am

[quote=adamantine";p="129993"]but does it work if you clone the necromage?

No, it doesnt work, i testet it and only change the name from necromage to Necromage and every other thing was the same --> it doesnt work,
i think the name "Necromage" says the hardcoded Necropet AI that that is an Ranged Skeleton(or a other Monster :cool: )..

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