More will follow later.
Code: Select all
Cubemain Ops (1.10)
op Skip recipe if ...
1 DayOfMonth is less than Param or greater than Value
2 DayOfWeek != Value ( 1 = Sunday, ...)
~~~~~~ 10519 ~~~~~~~~~~ Stat.Accr
3 player stat(param) < value
4 player stat(param) > value
5 player stat(param) = value
6 player stat(param) ! value
~~~~~~ 10521 ~~~~~~~~~ Stat.Base
7 player stat(param) < value
8 player stat(param) > value
9 player stat(param) = value
10 player stat(param) ! value
~~~~~~ 10522 ~~~~~~~~~ Stat.Bonus (accr - base)
11 player stat(param) < value
12 player stat(param) > value
13 player stat(param) = value
14 player stat(param) ! value
Fail Item if ...
~~~~~~ 10519 ~~~~~~~~~
15 item stat(param) < value
16 item stat(param) > value
17 item stat(param) = value
18 item stat(param) ! value
~~~~~~ 10521 ~~~~~~~~~
19 item stat(param) < value
20 item stat(param) > value
21 item stat(param) = value
22 item stat(param) ! value
~~~~~~ 10522 ~~~~~~~~~
23 item stat(param) < value
24 item stat(param) > value
25 item stat(param) = value
26 item stat(param) ! value
27 pItem->OtherID != value
28 pItem->QuestDiff < ptGame->Diff
(only checked if Quest and QuestDiffCheck are 1)
EDIT : updated list with free codE.
The 11->14 are still unknown :-/
EDIT : late correction, fixed incorrect formula.
11->14 still unknown, I can't get a single stuff out of it ^^
My best bet will be that it will work for input2 etc .... but no :-/