SrvDoFunc 49 - Allowing monsters to summon

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SrvDoFunc 49 - Allowing monsters to summon

Post by Ogodei » Wed May 04, 2016 10:46 am


I looked for similar posts, but I haven't found one, so I thought to post this mini-tutorial for the people who might want a monster to summon other monsters.
It's pretty easy, since you only have to clone and modify a few things. In skills.txt You have to clone a skill (i.e Clay Golem), then change the cloned skill by removing srvstfunc, cltstfunc and cltdofunc. After that, you have to set SrvDoFunc to 49.
In Monstats.txt you have to clone a pet (i.e the clay golem) and change it's AI if needed (NecroPet, DruidBear, ShadowWarrior, ShadowMaster and, in general, every pet related AI aren't accepted and will lead to a crash, because they require a player to cast the skill in order to set the pathing and other stuffs) and it's alignment ("align" column).
Go back to skills.txt and change the "summon" column of your cloned skill with the ID of your cloned monster.
In the end, you have to add this skill to a monster and it will summon it's own "minions". I said "minions" within quotes because the summoned monsters won't actually follow the summoner. The same occours if the summoner is a pet of yours.

If you want the summoned monster to last for a certain amount of time (exactly like the vanilla revived enemies) you have to set the auralencalc column as mentioned by Nefarius in this post >> viewtopic.php?f=122&t=48880&hilit=srvdofunc+49 <<
Remember that length is always divided by 25. So, for example, if you want your pet to last 10 seconds, you have to set Auralencalc to 250 (250:25 = 10)

P.s : Be sure to set the correct animation in the "monanim" column and/or in "sk#mode" in Monstats.txt, otherwise your summoner will freeze!

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Re: SrvDoFunc 49 - Allowing monsters to summon

Post by Jadakiss » Fri Nov 29, 2024 6:26 pm

It's a good guide, but there's an amendment. At SrvDoFunc to 49, ressurected creature one will be frozen to attack on the spot.
You need to set the value 44 in the SrvDoFunc column.
So far, the icon of monster at the top of the screen that I have is not shown

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