For v1.11b the error messages you recieve do not have any assert strings, if you need help, there are several things you can do, first of all, the line # on many of the errors didn't change (especially for mapping errors), otherwise follow these steps exactly.
If you use v1.11 or v1.11b, replace your storm.dll with the rebased version so that you can provide proper addresses for error messages and not random ones.
Furthermore, include the following TWO sections from the debug log. Especially if you do not use the rebased copies for whatever reason.
Code: Select all
Location : , line #xxxx
Expression : Unrecoverable internal error xxxxxxxx
Code: Select all
19:56:42.109 Enumerate modules...
19:56:42.109 Base:00400000h Size: 20A000h Name:Game.exe Path:C:\Programme\Diablo II\Game.exe
19:56:42.109 Base:00790000h Size: 1CA000h Name:AcGenral.DLL Path:C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\AcGenral.DLL
19:56:42.109 Base:021C0000h Size: 1A000h Name:smackw32.dll Path:C:\Programme\Diablo II\smackw32.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:10000000h Size: 23000h Name:guard32.dll Path:C:\WINDOWS\system32\guard32.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:597D0000h Size: 54000h Name:NETAPI32.dll Path:C:\WINDOWS\system32\NETAPI32.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:59DD0000h Size: A1000h Name:DBGHELP.dll Path:C:\WINDOWS\system32\DBGHELP.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:5B0F0000h Size: 38000h Name:UxTheme.dll Path:C:\WINDOWS\system32\UxTheme.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:5CF00000h Size: 26000h Name:ShimEng.dll Path:C:\WINDOWS\system32\ShimEng.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:5D450000h Size: 9A000h Name:COMCTL32.dll Path:C:\WINDOWS\system32\COMCTL32.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:5E160000h Size: 8000h Name:fltLib.dll Path:C:\WINDOWS\system32\fltLib.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:60000000h Size: 2E000h Name:ijl11.dll Path:C:\Programme\Diablo II\ijl11.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:6F790000h Size: 60000h Name:storm.dll Path:C:\Programme\Diablo II\storm.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:6F870000h Size: E000h Name:D2Gdi.dll Path:C:\Programme\Diablo II\D2Gdi.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:6F8E0000h Size: CE000h Name:d2win.dll Path:C:\Programme\Diablo II\d2win.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:6F9B0000h Size: 19000h Name:D2sound.dll Path:C:\Programme\Diablo II\D2sound.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:6FA20000h Size: 14000h Name:d2mcpclient.dll Path:C:\Programme\Diablo II\d2mcpclient.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:6FA40000h Size: 2D000h Name:D2LAUNCH.DLL Path:C:\Programme\Diablo II\D2LAUNCH.DLL
19:56:42.109 Base:6FA80000h Size: 21000h Name:D2gfx.dll Path:C:\Programme\Diablo II\D2gfx.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:6FAB0000h Size: 135000h Name:D2CLIENT.DLL Path:C:\Programme\Diablo II\D2CLIENT.DLL
19:56:42.109 Base:6FBF0000h Size: D000h Name:D2Net.dll Path:C:\Programme\Diablo II\D2Net.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:6FC00000h Size: 14000h Name:D2Lang.dll Path:C:\Programme\Diablo II\D2Lang.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:6FC20000h Size: 122000h Name:D2Game.dll Path:C:\Programme\Diablo II\D2Game.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:6FD50000h Size: A9000h Name:D2Common.dll Path:C:\Programme\Diablo II\D2Common.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:6FE10000h Size: 107000h Name:D2CMP.dll Path:C:\Programme\Diablo II\D2CMP.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:6FF20000h Size: 22000h Name:Bnclient.dll Path:C:\Programme\Diablo II\Bnclient.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:6FF50000h Size: 5C000h Name:fog.dll Path:C:\Programme\Diablo II\fog.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:71A00000h Size: 8000h Name:WS2HELP.dll Path:C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2HELP.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:71A10000h Size: 17000h Name:WS2_32.dll Path:C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2_32.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:71A30000h Size: A000h Name:WSOCK32.dll Path:C:\WINDOWS\system32\WSOCK32.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:71B70000h Size: 13000h Name:SAMLIB.dll Path:C:\WINDOWS\system32\SAMLIB.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:73E70000h Size: 5C000h Name:DSOUND.dll Path:C:\WINDOWS\system32\DSOUND.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:75250000h Size: 2E000h Name:msctfime.ime Path:C:\WINDOWS\system32\msctfime.ime
19:56:42.109 Base:76300000h Size: 10000h Name:winsta.dll Path:C:\WINDOWS\system32\winsta.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:76330000h Size: 1D000h Name:IMM32.DLL Path:C:\WINDOWS\system32\IMM32.DLL
19:56:42.109 Base:76350000h Size: 4A000h Name:comdlg32.dll Path:C:\WINDOWS\system32\comdlg32.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:76620000h Size: B5000h Name:USERENV.dll Path:C:\WINDOWS\system32\USERENV.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:76AF0000h Size: 2E000h Name:WINMM.dll Path:C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINMM.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:76C50000h Size: 28000h Name:imagehlp.dll Path:C:\WINDOWS\system32\imagehlp.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:76D20000h Size: 19000h Name:iphlpapi.dll Path:C:\WINDOWS\system32\iphlpapi.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:76EE0000h Size: 27000h Name:DNSAPI.dll Path:C:\WINDOWS\system32\DNSAPI.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:76F20000h Size: 2D000h Name:WLDAP32.dll Path:C:\WINDOWS\system32\WLDAP32.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:76F80000h Size: 6000h Name:rasadhlp.dll Path:C:\WINDOWS\system32\rasadhlp.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:76F90000h Size: 7F000h Name:CLBCATQ.DLL Path:C:\WINDOWS\system32\CLBCATQ.DLL
19:56:42.109 Base:77010000h Size: D3000h Name:COMRes.dll Path:C:\WINDOWS\system32\COMRes.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:770F0000h Size: 8B000h Name:OLEAUT32.dll Path:C:\WINDOWS\system32\OLEAUT32.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:773A0000h Size: 103000h Name:comctl32.dll Path:C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.2600.2982_x-ww_ac3f9c03\comctl32.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:774B0000h Size: 13D000h Name:ole32.dll Path:C:\WINDOWS\system32\ole32.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:77660000h Size: 21000h Name:NTMARTA.DLL Path:C:\WINDOWS\system32\NTMARTA.DLL
19:56:42.109 Base:77B10000h Size: 22000h Name:apphelp.dll Path:C:\WINDOWS\system32\apphelp.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:77BB0000h Size: 15000h Name:MSACM32.dll Path:C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSACM32.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:77BD0000h Size: 8000h Name:VERSION.dll Path:C:\WINDOWS\system32\VERSION.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:77BE0000h Size: 58000h Name:msvcrt.dll Path:C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:77DA0000h Size: AA000h Name:advapi32.dll Path:C:\WINDOWS\system32\advapi32.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:77E50000h Size: 91000h Name:RPCRT4.dll Path:C:\WINDOWS\system32\RPCRT4.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:77EF0000h Size: 47000h Name:GDI32.dll Path:C:\WINDOWS\system32\GDI32.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:77F40000h Size: 76000h Name:SHLWAPI.dll Path:C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHLWAPI.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:77FC0000h Size: 11000h Name:Secur32.dll Path:C:\WINDOWS\system32\Secur32.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:7C800000h Size: 107000h Name:kernel32.dll Path:C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:7C910000h Size: B7000h Name:ntdll.dll Path:C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:7C9D0000h Size: 81F000h Name:SHELL32.dll Path:C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHELL32.dll
19:56:42.109 Base:7E360000h Size: 90000h Name:user32.dll Path:C:\WINDOWS\system32\user32.dll
older versions only EXCEPT points 1 and 3-6
If you encountered an error and are not able to solve it, and hence need help solving it we will all be glad to help you out, but you should follow these simple guide lines so that we can help you.
Note, this refers to errors related to Diablo 2 itself. If you encountered an error with a specific tool you should check out the Tools forum for support with your issue.
You should include the following information in your post:
0. Do a search over the forums for the exact error message (The last line of the assertion, such as "eComponent < NUM_COMPONENTS" is enough) in case it is an diablo 2 assertion error, in case of a unhandled exception skip this step.
if you did not find any post that solved your error message post a new topic. PLEASE READ the topics that come up in your search, just saying you dont have time to do so is rude, as we take the time to HELP you.
1. What was the last thing you changed.
2. Include the excact error message, please avoid posting things like: "I Crashed" without including any details, this will not allow us to help you as there are a quintillion reasons a crash may occur.
Note please include the line number! This will help us pinpoint the specific assertion faster.
Location : C:\Projects\Diablo2\Source\D2Client\Engine\GfxUtil.cpp, line #1352
Expression : eComponent < NUM_COMPONENTS
The red text represents the number of the line in the games original code.
You should at all cost include this number.
3. If you did not see the error message run the game in windowed mode (by adding -w to your shortcuts target line.) and repeat the steps that caused the error.
4. What happened in the game just before the error occurred, even small stuff such as flashing monster animations, which you yourself may ignore can be the key to helping you.
5. In case you recieved a general Access Violation (c00000005), please post the contents of your error log, this is the D2YYMMDD.TXT file in your diablo 2 folder, note do not post the entire log, just post the error data.
This is an example of the data you should post from your log:
03:40:59.830 ***** UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: ACCESS_VIOLATION (c0000005)
03:40:59.830 Fault address: 00C72265 00:00000000 *unknown*
03:40:59.830 eax:02aff900 ebx:00006600 ecx:00000020 edx:02aff800 esi:02aff600
03:40:59.830 edi:00000001 ebp:00001500 esp:0068e9f4 eip:00c72265 flg:00010212
03:40:59.830 cs:0177 ds:017f es:017f ss:017f fs:66bf gs:0000
6. Please attempt to type exactly what the error message said, dont leave out details.
If you follow these steps, we will probably be able to solve your error in no time.
NOTE: Be sure you have modified the latest version of every file. Earlier versions may cause unexpected errors at any moment.