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[1.13c Plugin] expanded /players command

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 3:07 am
by kidpaddle94
Since I have been asked for this a couple of times and not everyone can do it alone easily, I decided to make it a plugin.
The download contains five plugins. Each plugins are for different caps on the command: 16 - 32 - 64 - 100 - 127.

for Diablo II Lord of Destruction, version 1.13c!

Be sure to read the READ ME.txt for a little more information.

enjoy. ...

@Onyx: Do you think you could mirror it on the File Center once you have time? Thank you.

Re: [1.13c Plugin] expanded /players command

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 9:28 pm
by sw33tsp0t1
Thank you so much! this is Wonderful! wow, I'm guessing this like uber-boosts the loot and experience? does it make the mobs alot harder? this seems great! my mod is capped at /players 8 . 8 being the most and highest cap, this would be an awesome addon to have! can you please inform me what it does, and if I can include it with my Singleplayer Enhancement mod, for Super-Geared toons? IE. running hell act 2 with /24 players! awesome man! -sw33t

Re: [1.13c Plugin] expanded /players command

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 10:21 am
by FearedBliss
The link doesn't work.

Also could you please share the code edits necessary to do this?

I've been wanting to limit the player x command from 8 players, to 4 players. There is probably a second operand with a constant of 8 that I need to modify in D2Game.dll. I just don't know where.

Re: [1.13c Plugin] expanded /players command

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 10:50 am
by HarvestWombs
I believe this is what you search of. ;)

Re: [1.13c Plugin] expanded /players command

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 10:59 am
by FearedBliss
Haha thanks, I actually just finished getting it myself from this post:


Here is the code for 1.13d:

Code: Select all

VERSION: 1.13d



000B1F73   83F8 01          CMP EAX,1
000B1F76   7E 4C            JLE SHORT 000B1FC4
000B1F78   83F8 08          CMP EAX,8                 <<<
000B1F7B   8BF0             MOV ESI,EAX
000B1F7D   7C 05            JL SHORT 000B1F84
000B1F7F   BE 08000000      MOV ESI,8                 <<<
000B1F84   8BCE             MOV ECX,ESI
000B1F86   E8 D1AFF5FF      CALL 0000CF5C


000992D0   85C9             TEST ECX,ECX
000992D2   7C 0B            JL SHORT 000992DF
000992D4   83F9 08          CMP ECX,8             <<<
000992D7   7F 06            JG SHORT 000992DF

Change the second operands to 4

1.13d Offset for D2Client.dll: B1F78, B1F7F
1.13d Offset for D2Game.dll: 992D4

Re: [1.13c Plugin] expanded /players command

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 8:45 am
by kidpaddle94
good job.

also, here is an updated link for the 1.13c plugin:

Re: [1.13c Plugin] expanded /players command

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 6:05 pm
by FearedBliss
Thanks for sharing :).

Re: [1.13c Plugin] expanded /players command

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 12:18 pm
by blooded
Can you update the link please ? 10x