Changin' Unique ColumQuality (Problem)

This forum is for discussions on how to edit what can not be edited through the txt files, needless to say this isn't about battle net hacking.

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Changin' Unique ColumQuality (Problem)

Post by Lurix » Sat Feb 04, 2012 12:19 pm

Okay I'm now trying to achieve what Myhrginoc posted here for 1.10
I'm able to do the edits, but something weird is happening, I'm trying to do this:

Code: Select all

6FC4CE52   |.  50                        PUSH EAX
6FC4CE53   |.  E8 44ED0C00               CALL <JMP.&D2Common.#10772>
6FC4CE58   |.  85C0                      TEST EAX,EAX
[color=#9100ff]6FC4CE5A       0F85 01060000             JNZ 6FC4D461[/color]
6FC4CE60   |.  8B4C24 34                 MOV ECX,DWORD PTR [ESP+34]
6FC4CE64   |.  6A FF                     PUSH -1
6FC4D461       83F8 07                   CMP EAX,7
6FC4D464     ^ 0F84 D4FEFFFF             JE 6FC4D33E
6FC4D46A     ^ E9 F1F9FFFF               JMP 6FC4CE60
But when I write JNZ 6FC4D461 Olly automaticly turns it into JNE 6FC4D461.
Also when I try to assemble at 6FC4D461 to add the new code (And I actually hit Space) Olly changes the adress to 6FC4D460.

Any ideas what's wrong :(

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Re: Changin' Unique ColumQuality (Problem)

Post by Demon9ne » Sun Feb 05, 2012 12:28 am

JNZ and JNE are synonymous here.

Olly is changing the address because you're editing the bytes at that location, which are the difference between your current address and destination address. Just hit space and type in JMP/JNZ (new address).

Edit: Apparently I can't read today.

Your destination address is being adjusted by a byte because it's taking you to the first byte of the destination instruction.

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