Depleting charges routine in ConsumeResource function. [1.10f]

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Depleting charges routine in ConsumeResource function. [1.10f]

Post by P.J. » Sat Aug 17, 2019 2:29 pm


While checking and replacing the function (D2GAME.6FD10A50 BOOL __fastcall (D2GameStrc* pGame, D2UnitStrc* pUnit, int nSkill, int nSkillLevel)) which apply cost of skills to mana found that this function also decrease number of charges.
The first part is related to the mana itself and pretty straight, but second part not so easy (for me) and it raises some questions.
First of all it call D2Common.#10963 with args (D2SkillStr* pSkill, char* szFile, int aLine). As i understand it retrieves a skill id. Afterwards we are checking stat in StatList by D2Common.#10466 but i'm not see any func that retrieve this StatList. I'm pretty sure that many of grandmaster coders of this forum were replaced that function in their mods, so i hope someone reveal this question regarding statlist.


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