Keep Update 10/17/03

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Keep Update 10/17/03

Post by jbouley » Sat Oct 18, 2003 6:41 am

The crash-and-burn at Xfernet has been a huge pain in the arse, but we refuse to die. Now, we can start moving beyond
just rebuilding, and actually make some new announcements. Granted, some of the things below aren't "new." Rather, they are
things I was going to post the day Xfernet blew up...but couldn't, because *poof* there was no server to upload to anymore.
Some things in this week's update are legitimately new, though. Considering you haven't had a proper home page update in
two or three weeks, I neither think y'all will mind the combination of "old" and new...nor do I think you'll be able to
tell the difference.

So, without further ado...On with the show!

It's So....Stringy

...Yet oh so tasty. It's the AFJ TBL Edit utility (for editing strings in the game, which is what my "witty"
headline refers to...oh, well, I tried). It's version 0.52b, it's made by AFJ666, and you can get it by
clicking here.

Satan Says: "I'll Get You Yet!"
How's that for a stupid transition to a mod titled "Hell's Revenge," eh? Shadowlord brings us a new beta version
(public beta 2, in fact) of the mod. I'm sure his mod is much better than my sense of humor. It's for patch 1.09.
(Download the Beta)
(Read All About It)

Can I Get an "Amen"?
Oh, that's a mod named Revival? Not a religious revival? My mistake. Another mod entry this week for patch 1.09 is
"Revival" v1.01 by GuyASkQuestion.
(Get It Now)

2.21B, or Not 2.21B?
Good grief, my headlines are getting cornier, and now I'm ruining one of William Shakespeare's most famous soliloquies.
A gang of English teachers will soon be coming by to beat me up, I'm sure. But anyway, the point of my headline: v2.21B of
my mod, Sanctuary in Chaos, has finally arrived. I fixed the known bugs, including a last-minute report of problems with
amazon spear skills, which delayed my planned release for last week. I have multiple versions of the with
the 1.09B DLL files needed to properly play the mod (more than are needed, actually), and one without the 1.09B DLL files
if you already have them. I also provide spoiler documents for you folks who need to know right now how to make the
runewords and what all the Cube recipes are. I will be rebuilding the mod very slightly in the coming several days. Nothing
huge, just a couple minor annoyances. The mod is very playable in it's current form. Up to you whether you want to download
it now and play a bit then get the rebuild later (which I will announce publicly so that you know)..or just wait a few

Still to come is a patcher file for people would rather have a new cold-based
druid skill called Celestial Tempest (a skill which crashes some players but not others)instead of Armageddon. Also to come
is a harder version of the mod to be called SiC:Brutality, which should be ready by next week.
(Download Full Version of Mod)
(Download No-DLL Version)
(Download Spoilers)
(Visit my Forum)

We Need a Laugh...
I'm sure you do after all my failed attempts at humor so far. Volf made a funny post in the forums, which we have adapted
for our Humor section. It's called R U A D2 Fan? and you can view it right now by
clicking here.

Put a Hex on You
Want to do some code editing? Is hex troubling you? Need some helpful tools to make hex editing just a tad easier? Well,
look no farther! Well, OK, look a couple lines below this. But then, you won't have to look any farther anymore.

Hex Workshop v4.10 by BreakPoint Software
(Get It Now)

Hex-editor XVI32 v2.51 by Christian Maas
(Get It Now)

Plug It In, Plug It In
Two entirely different kinds of plugins for you this week. One for those static inventory images, and one animation.

Plugin 1 - Image
- New amulet inventory graphics by Kyrene
(Get Them Now)

Plugin 2 - New Token Animation
- New 1N Token, using the Chimera from Icewind Dale 2, by Alkalund
(Get It Now)

Plug It In...And Turn It UP
If you prefer your plugins with a little more rhythm, here are a couple new musical offerings from HashCasper:

"Glimmer in the Sightless Eye" by Hash Casper
(Get It Now)

"Helheim - Blood & Valour" by Hash Casper
(Get It Now)

A New 1.10s Tutorial, Sort Of
Well, I haven't worked it up into a Web page yet for our tutorials section, but if you want to know how to randomly
downgrade runes with Horadric Cube recipes before I finish the page, you can visit the forum thread on the subject by
clicking here.
Last edited by jbouley on Sat Oct 18, 2003 4:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.
-Jeff Bouley
A riddle wrapped within a mystery surrounded by an enigma -- served with a heaping side order of fried conundrum and a tall glass of puzzlement.
(Download my SiC mod [for 1.09] and other goodies) ---- (Read Phrozen Forums terms of service)

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