[1.10] Don't pause when unfocused

This forum is for discussions on how to edit what can not be edited through the txt files, needless to say this isn't about battle net hacking.

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[1.10] Don't pause when unfocused

Post by satandidnowrong » Wed Mar 06, 2024 11:51 am

Thanks d2moo. Thanks pk discord.
Goes hand in hand with Nec's don't minimize when unfocused edit.
The combination is good for taking screengifs with ShareX or ScreenToGif.


Code: Select all

33 c9 c7 05 88 e2 8f 6f 01 00 00 e8 e9 b5 00 00 6a 01 e8 8e 44 00 00

Code: Select all

                             LAB_6f8adc9e                                    XREF[1]:     6f8adc92 (j)   
        6f8adc9e 33  c9           XOR        ECX ,ECX
        6f8adca0 c7  05  88       MOV        dword ptr [DAT_6f8fe288 ],0x1                    = ??
                 e2  8f  6f 
                 01  00  00 
        6f8adcaa e8  e9  b5       CALL       FUN_6f8b9298                                     undefined FUN_6f8b9298(void)
                 00  00
        6f8adcaf 6a  01           PUSH       0x1
        6f8adcb1 e8  8e  44       CALL       FUN_6f8b2144                                     undefined FUN_6f8b2144(void)
                 00  00
With a difference of an extra byte of zeroes at the end of instruction 6f8adca0,
for some reason, e.g. in Paradox 0.2.7, It could also be:

Code: Select all

33 c9 c7 05 88 e2 8f 6f 01 00 00 00 e8 e9 b5 00 00 6a 01 e8 8e 44 00 00

Code: Select all

                             LAB_6f8adc9e                                    XREF[1]:     6f8adc92 (j)   
        6f8adc9e 33  c9           XOR        ECX ,ECX
        6f8adca0 c7  05  88       MOV        dword ptr [DAT_6f8fe288 ],0x1                    = ??
                 e2  8f  6f 
                 01  00  00 
        6f8adcaa e8  e9  b5       CALL       D2SOUND.DLL::Ordinal_10049                       undefined Ordinal_10049()
                 00  00
        6f8adcaf 6a  01           PUSH       0x1
        6f8adcb1 e8  8e  44       CALL       D2GFX.DLL::Ordinal_10025                         undefined Ordinal_10025()
                 00  00
Nop it.

Thanks to Silvermane on the pk discord,
For those using D2Template:

Code: Select all

//D2GFX.6FA74932/6FA74D11 Unfocus window no minimize
{ D2DLL_D2GFX, 0x4D11, 0x90, FALSE, 11 },
{ D2DLL_D2GFX, 0x4932, 0x90, FALSE, 11 },
//D2Win.6F8ADC9E Unfocus window no pause
{ D2DLL_D2WIN, 0xDC9E, 0x90, FALSE, 24 },

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